
Guide For When an Aries Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Updated February 2, 2025

An Aries man’s silent treatment is far moodier than the silent treatment given by other signs. If he’s ignoring you, it will be very obvious that he’s actively trying to ignore you.

Don’t get upset when an Aries man ignores you. That won’t make anything better for you.

Just accept what is happening if an Aries man is ignoring you. It might not always be obvious why he’s ignoring you, but it will be very apparent that he’s actively avoiding you.

Give an Aries man space if he’s ignoring you. Go about your life as usual, and don’t pressure him to talk to you until he’s ready to. Give him the time he needs if he wants to be alone.

Don’t blame games with an Aries or try to ignore him back. That won’t fix anything. He will come back when he’s ready to talk to you.

Don’t Get Upset

You might feel upset once you realize an Aries man is giving you the silent treatment. Try not to let it get you too down, though!

If an Aries man wants to ignore you, he’s going to do so whether or not it upsets you. He won’t start talking to you again just because his lack of communication makes you sad.

Do not send an Aries man angry texts if he’s giving you the silent treatment. That will make things worse! He’s more likely to double-down and continue ignoring you than he is to give in and respond.

Try to stay calm if an Aries man is ignoring you. Ask yourself why he might be giving you the silent treatment. Did you do something to upset him? Has he been stressed out and might need some time to relax?

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Accept You’re Being Ignored

Just accept it when an Aries man stops talking to you. Dwelling on it won’t make you feel any better. It won’t make him talk to you any sooner, either.

A Sagittarius man might ignore you by accident because he’s busy, and an Aquarius man might do the same because he doesn’t always look at his phone. Aries men make it obvious when they’re ignoring you, though.

You don’t need to make excuses for an Aries man. He will often avoid you if he’s giving you the silent treatment because he’s mad at you.

How long will an Aries man ignore you? That will depend on why he’s giving you the silent treatment.

If you two argue or you upset him, he will usually stop once you apologize. If he needs a break, he’ll come back once he’s had some alone time.

Live Your Life

You might want to take some time for yourself when an Aries man ignores you. It’s better to live your life instead of moping about him ignoring you.

If an Aries man has gone silent in the middle of a text conversation, don’t sit around waiting for him to respond. Go about your day as usual. He will respond when he wants to.

Aries men give the silent treatment for a variety of reasons. They do it most of the time because they are upset about something.

If your Aries man doesn’t communicate with you about his feelings, don’t let that stop you from living your life.

Act the same way you always do. Your Aries man might realize that his silent treatment isn’t working if you do that.

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Give Him Space

An Aries man ignoring you might mean he needs some space. Aries men are independent and need time to go off by themselves now and then.

Some Aries men will tell you when they need space. Not all Aries men are good at communicating, though!

An Aries man might give you the silent treatment if he feels that you won’t respect his need for space. If you’ve been pushy in the past, he’s not going to ask you to leave him alone. He will avoid you instead.

Give your Aries man the space he needs. If you show him you respect his need for time alone, he might not give you the silent treatment in the future.

Don’t Pester Him

What should you do when an Aries man ignores you? Most of the time, you should leave him alone. Do not bother him or try to force him to talk to you.

Whether or not an Aries man is giving you the silent treatment, constantly bothering him is a bad idea. He will be more likely to give you the silent treatment in the first place if you are constantly bugging him.

Let your Aries man have all the time he needs to sort through his emotions. You don’t need to check in with him constantly. Never demand that he reply to your text messages either.

Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in.

Don’t Think The Worst

If an Aries man has stopped texting you suddenly, don’t assume the worst! Give him some time and see if he starts responding again.

Never assume the worst because of one missed text message. Again, Aries men usually make it obvious that they are giving someone the silent treatment. If you aren’t sure he’s purposely ignoring you, he probably isn’t!

Don’t freak out if an Aries man is a little late meeting up with you or if he doesn’t answer your call right away.

If you always assume the worst because an Aries man hasn’t spoken to you for a short time, that will annoy him. He needs to be actively avoiding you for it to be silent treatment.

Be Confident In Yourself

Even if you did something to upset your Aries man, it is not your fault that he’s giving you the silent treatment. If he wants to mope instead of communicating with you, that’s his business.

Be confident in who you are, even if your Aries man ignores you. Don’t let his actions affect how you feel about yourself.

Go out and be your usual confident self. Your Aries man will see that his silent treatment isn’t having any effect, and he might reconsider his tactics.

If an Aries man needs some alone time, he’ll be able to come back to you with no bad blood between you.

If he is being petty for some reason, he’ll see that the silent treatment doesn’t work on you. He might try to communicate what his needs are instead.

This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you.

Apologize After Arguments

Aries men can be highly confrontational. You’ll likely get into an argument with your Aries partner at least once.

An Aries man might give you the silent treatment after an argument if he feels slighted. If you say anything hurtful, he will retreat and may avoid you for a while.

You can usually avoid the silent treatment by apologizing quickly after arguments.

Give your Aries man space if he needs to calm down. Aries men have a hot temper, and he might need some time to himself to cool off.

Once he’s calm, get the apology out of the way. Let him know that you’re sorry for any hurtful things you said. Ask if there’s anything you can do to resolve the issue with him.

Your Aries man will be less likely to ignore you when he sees that you’re sorry and that you want to work things out with him.

Don’t Play Games

Do not play games with an Aries man when he’s giving you the silent treatment. That won’t do either of you any good.

Some men will stop giving you the silent treatment if they see that you are actively ignoring them back. An Aries man will do the opposite. He might see it as a competition and continue to actively avoid you.

If an Aries man reaches out after giving you the silent treatment, respond. You can let him know that you don’t appreciate his actions but don’t ignore him.

Don’t try to make your Aries man jealous while he’s giving you the silent treatment. If he sees you flirting with other men, that won’t make him want to talk to you. That will make him upset, and he might ignore you even longer.

Let him know that you’re there if he wants to talk and then go on with your life. You don’t need to actively make him feel bad for giving you the silent treatment.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man.

Be Ready To Move On

If he gives you the silent treatment for a long time, start looking for signs an Aries man is not interested in you. He might be avoiding you rather than giving you the silent treatment.

If an Aries man has turned cold and he never warms back up, you might need to move on. Be ready to accept that he might never talk to you again.

An Aries man will usually be straightforward if he’s done with his relationship with you. An Aries man may disappear and come back if he’s upset, but he won’t typically ghost someone he’s in a relationship with.

If you don’t know one another well, though, he might not waste his time talking things out. He may disappear and not come back.

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