
Reasons Why a Capricorn Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

Updated September 30, 2024

Capricorn men are slow to commit because they are usually slow to make any important decision.

Capricorn men like to take their time thinking things through before they act. He wants to be sure you’re the one before he commits.

Even if a Capricorn man is ready to commit to you, he might be waiting for signs that you are also ready before he takes the plunge. He doesn’t want to commit to somebody who isn’t serious about him.

He takes time to trust people and to open up. It’s going to take a while to establish trust between the two of you and until that happens, he’s not going to want to be in a serious relationship.

Some Capricorn men also just aren’t focused on relationships. He might feel like a commitment would hold him back from his other goals in life.


Capricorn men don’t make decisions based on their emotions. They make decisions based on logic.

A Capricorn man isn’t going to dive straight into a relationship until he is sure it’s the best thing to do.

You might be ready to commit to him but he still needs time to think things over.

He might decide that he’s not ready to commit to you for a variety of reasons. He might think he’s too busy for a relationship, for example.

If he sees that you’re ready to settle down, get married, and have kids right away but that’s not currently in his plan, he’s not going to want to commit to you either.

If he doesn’t think that being in a relationship is the most logical course of action for him at the time, he’s not going to start a relationship with you. Even if he likes you, logic will often win over emotions.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Capricorn man.


Capricorn men need stability in their lives. They like to feel grounded and secure. If he is going to be in a relationship with you, he needs that relationship to be secure.

If you’re a wild person, he might be unsure about getting into a relationship with you.

You may be an amazing partner and you may be able to give him the stability he needs but you need to prove that to him first.

If anything about your personality makes him feel ungrounded or unstable, he’s going to be hesitant about committing to a relationship with you.

He wants a partner who won’t shake up his plans. He likes being with somebody who can keep him grounded, even during times where he might be having trouble with that.


Capricorn men are hard workers. They love their jobs and they are often workaholics.

Sometimes, they are just too focused on work to commit to a relationship. If a Capricorn man is acting distant and not focusing on your relationship, it might be because he’s just focused on work right now.

If he’s trying to get a promotion, he’s going to be focused on that. He’s not going to want to commit to a relationship because that might take away from the time he has to focus on his career.

Capricorn men are career-oriented, not relationship-oriented. If he thinks that a relationship is going to distract him from his goals, he’s not going to get into a relationship.

If he’s making an effort to spend less time at work and more time with you, that’s a sign a Capricorn man likes you more than a friend. He might be getting ready to take the plunge and commit to you.

Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic)

Focused on Success

Capricorn men want to be successful in life. They often have a very specific idea about what success looks like for them as well.

He may want a partner and a family in the future but he wants to be sure he can provide for that family first.

If he’s just starting out in his career, he’ll want to focus on that before he gets into a relationship.

Even if he ends up falling in love, he might be hesitant to focus on a relationship instead of his career. He wants to be successful before he settles down with somebody most of the time.

Of course, somebody can focus on their career and become successful while also maintaining a relationship. That just might not be in a Capricorn man’s plan for himself.

He also doesn’t like to do things halfway. He might feel like he’s failing at either his career or his relationship if he’s not spending as much time as he’d like focused on either one of them.


The way a Capricorn man expresses his love won’t always be obvious to you. He is a reserved man who doesn’t do over-the-top displays of affection.

He might already be all-in with your relationship, you’re just not picking up on that fact!

A Scorpio will show you endless passion, a Gemini man will give you grand romantic gestures, and a Leo will shower you with affection and gifts.

A Capricorn man won’t do these things. Instead, he’ll leave work early to be with you. He’ll be affectionate in smaller, less noticeable ways.

He might already be willing to commit to you, you just aren’t noticing the things he’s doing to show you that.

Pay close attention to how he treats you and how he acts around you. He may be ready to take the plunge and he’s just waiting for a sign from you that you feel the same way.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Capricorn man...

Slow to Trust

When he starts to trust you and open up more, that’s one of the signs a Capricorn man has feelings for you.

Figuring out how to get a Capricorn man to open up emotionally is often an uphill battle. He is afraid of trusting the wrong person and he often doesn’t want to open up.

Capricorn men often think the only person they can truly trust is themselves. He knows he can rely on himself.

He doesn’t always know that he can rely on other people. If he’s been hurt in the past or had his trust betrayed before, it’s going to be especially difficult for him to trust again.

A Capricorn man will be reluctant to trust a person until he is absolutely sure it’s a good idea. You will need to prove yourself to him over and over again before he’s willing to fully trust you.

Thinks Things Through

A Capricorn man is not going to want to commit to somebody unless he is absolutely sure they’re the right person for him.

He wants things to line up perfectly. They don’t always, of course. Life is messy.

He’ll take a lot of things into consideration before he commits to a relationship.

Is this person going to help him work toward his goals or are they likely to hinder his goals?

Does he need to change anything about his plans for the future to make the relationship work?

He also wants to be completely sure that you want to be in a committed relationship. If he’s not sure, he’s not going to bring the idea up until he knows you feel the same way he does.

This is one case where telling a Capricorn man how you feel is a good idea! You want to make him sure of your affections and intentions for the relationship.

A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...


Some Capricorn men take forever to commit to a relationship just because they are stubborn and reluctant to change.

No matter how compatible two people are, entering into a relationship means a Capricorn man is going to have to change some things about his life.

He’s going to have to mix up his routines so that they are compatible with two people instead of just one.

He’s going to have to adjust his schedule so that he has time for the relationship, not just his work, hobbies, and friends.

He may be reluctant to make the necessary changes that being in a relationship requires.

High Expectations

Capricorn men have high expectations for themselves, the people around them, and relationships.

Sometimes, his expectations might seem odd or overly picky.

For example, when a Capricorn man ignores your text and you repeatedly message him trying to get his attention, that might make him decide you’re not the one for him. It’s small but he sees it as you being clingy and dependent.

If a Capricorn man decides you don’t meet his high expectations, he’s not going to waste any more time with you.

When a Capricorn man is done with you, he’s truly done. There will be no questioning whether or not the relationship is over.

Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in.

Takes Commitment Seriously

A Capricorn man moving too fast is not something that happens. He takes his commitments very seriously and he’s not going to dive right into a relationship until he’s sure about it.

Capricorn men don’t do casual relationships often. If you two are in that will-they-won’t-they relationship limbo, it’s usually because he’s thinking things over.

He hates breaking his commitments. If there is any doubt in his mind, he’s not going to commit to a relationship with you. He doesn’t want to set himself up for failure.

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