A Gemini man angry at you may show passive-aggressive signs. He doesn’t like to be confrontational.
When he has a problem with you, he’ll hide it. But if you pay close attention, you’ll know when he’s mad.
Gemini men don’t like dealing with anger. If he’s angry with you, he’ll try to stifle it at first. When this doesn’t work, he’ll become passive-aggressive.
If he still feels frustrated, your Gemini man goes to extremes to express his anger. He doesn’t have the best anger management style compared to other signs.
You can help him deal with his anger if you understand his unique personality traits as a Gemini. Trying to calm him down doesn’t always work for this sign.
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Let Him Vent
Sometimes, a Gemini man needs to vent. His is the sign of communication. As the messenger of the zodiac, he needs to talk about what is on his mind.
A Gemini man will become even angrier if you silence him. When he starts venting his frustration, it’s best to let him talk or even yell. Gemini men need to get their ideas and worries out.
Gemini men may say things out of anger they don’t mean. Some people think anger is a truth serum; this is not true for a Gemini man. They have a stream of consciousness style of communication.
Their minds are filled with ideas; they blurt out statements they may not mean. Don’t engage when angry. Just let him vent. He needs to get things off his chest.
A Gemini man scorned needs to rant so he can get his feelings out. He may misunderstand what is going on. Don’t try to present him with facts at first. Just let him vent initially.
Don’t make a mental list of “Gemini anger quotes” to throw back at him if he changes his mind. Understand that he says things he doesn’t mean when he is venting.
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De-escalate Him
Don’t tell a Gemini man to calm down. Instead, try to de-escalate him. Gemini men are usually anxious when they act angry. Try to find out the core reason for his anxiety.
Soothing his fears and insecurities is the first step to getting him to settle down. A Gemini man who is venting his frustration may lose control of himself. His anxiety makes him rant.
You can do him a favor by de-escalating him. Give him a chance to vent initially. When he begins to repeat himself, intervene and try to get to the source of his anxiety. Address his underlying feelings.
Another way to de-escalate a Gemini man is to initially use humor or a brief distraction to help him diffuse his anger. When he tones down his anger you can have a rational conversation.
As a Gemini’s anger level drops, adjust your strategy. Don’t let him sweep his issues under the rug. Encourage him to talk about what he needs.
Talk In Person
Whenever possible, talk to a Gemini man in person when you think he’s angry. If you try to resolve your issues over text it will backfire. Gemini men will read too much into a text message.
Avoid making an argument worse by insisting on having a conversation in real life rather than through text. Don’t ignore the issue even if you have to postpone a conversation.
When you meet with a Gemini man in person to talk about why he’s angry, he’s more likely to be able to vent his frustration and then move on. But if he’s venting through text, he may become even angrier.
This is because he can’t see your body language and facial expression. He may assume you are angry at him. He can also think you’re not listening or ignoring him.
For example, a Gemini man angry with an Aquarius woman should never try to sort things out through text. Aquarius is too reactive, and Gemini will play off this energy making things worse.
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Keep Focused
Gemini men get tangential when they are angry. If you want to help him diffuse his anger, encourage him to stay focused on why he’s upset. Keep yourself focused as well.
Resist the temptation to bring up past conflicts. This only adds fuel to the fire. A Gemini man can hop from one topic to another all on his own. He doesn’t need help getting off topic.
Encourage him to stay focused so you can work through the problem with him. You can’t solve a conflict with a Gemini man while his mind is scattered. He’s easily distracted.
Remind your Gemini man that you are focusing only on one argument. Once you have resolved one issue, then you can bring up additional problems.
You don’t have to worry about a Gemini man and his ego. He’s not the most egoistic sign. But he does build up anxiety and resentments. Help him focus on speaking his mind.
Ask His Opinion
If you want to avoid a fight with a Gemini man, ask his opinion. Gemini men aren’t assertive. They’ll follow your plans because they want to keep the peace.
But Gemini men can build resentments. This is why it is essential that you check in with him. Periodically ask his opinion.
Encourage him to tell you when he is not interested in something you want to do. You may have to work to get him to give a differing opinion. Gemini men can be people-pleasers.
Ask him what he thinks so that you won’t overlook his needs. You may need to seek out his ideas because he won’t freely let you know when he doesn’t agree with you.
How does a Gemini man act when hurt? He tries to hide it at first. By the time a Gemini man shows his anger, he may be seething with anger. Take the time to find out what he’s thinking.
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Listen Carefully
Gemini men can be hard to follow. They tend to talk fast and digress into tangents. Listen carefully to what a Gemini man is saying. Don’t let him distract you with his communication style.
A flighty Gemini man can confuse you. Listen to your Gemini man to truly understand why he’s upset. He may talk about one issue while he’s upset about something completely different.
Try to read between the lines. Tease out what a Gemini man is angry about. Give your Gemini man opportunities to talk about what is on his mind. Listen to what he says as well as what he’s not saying.
For instance, a Gemini man angry with a Taurus woman can become even more frustrated because Taurus tries to give solutions before listening. Always take the time to listen before jumping to problem-solving.
Take a Time Out
Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing, at least at first. Give your Gemini man a chance to collect his thoughts. When an argument gets too intense, call a timeout.
Make sure your Gemini knows you intend to have a conversation at a later time when you are both calm. He may want to keep venting and discourage him from doing this. Gemini men are impulsive communicators.
Remind him that waiting to have a conversation later will lead to a better chance of resolving your issue. He understands the importance of talking about difficult things with a logical, clear mind.
When a Gemini man withdraws, he may be trying to control his anger. He will try to step aside and sort out his feelings without causing damage to the relationship. Give him space when he needs it.
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Ask for Clarification
When a Gemini man is angry, he can start to ramble or rant. Always ask him for clarification if you start to lose track of what he is talking about. He may not even be conscious of the reason he’s angry.
Ask clarifying questions to help him understand what is behind his anger. Keep him focused on step-by-step solutions. He may be erratic when he’s angry. Make sure you are clear about what he is upset about.
It may take several questions for a Gemini man to understand what he is angry about in the first place. Don’t hold him to one statement if he has epiphanies while talking to you.
When a Gemini man is done with you, he won’t bother to try to resolve his problems. He will just shut you out and move on. An argument is a good sign. It means he’s still engaged with you.
Talk About Solutions
After a Gemini man has had some time to vent, try to focus on solutions. The more you can get him to talk about solving problems, the better.
Encourage him by telling him you will help him find the resources he needs to ease his mind. Gemini men are analytical and rational. They don’t like to get lost in emotions like anger.
If a Gemini man does start to spiral out of control, you can help him by reminding him that there are practical ways to solve his problems. He often needs someone to help keep him grounded.
How does a Gemini man apologize? He doesn’t get sentimental and emotional. He may acknowledge that he lost his temper. He will change his behavior to show he is sorry.
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Don’t Distract Him
After he’s de-escalated, don’t distract him from the reason he is angry. He needs to resolve his problems, not hide from them. Keep your Gemini man focused on his needs.
You can only help him solve his problems if you keep him focused. He may start to use humor to distract himself as a coping mechanism. Let him do this. But avoid letting him go too far to divert from the topic.
Your Gemini man will thank you in the long run if you can keep him on track. He likes to avoid conflict. He will try to change the subject or pretend that everything is fine.
But his resentments will not subside. Support him and keep him focused on the issues that made him lose his temper in the first place. Betraying a Gemini man requires you to put work into solving the problem.
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