To kiss a Pisces man and make him fall in love with you, you m understand his desires.
If you want to turn on a Pisces man and spark his love, you’ve got to know how to kiss him.
Many women make the mistake of assuming a Pisces man will be like any other man. But men born under the sign of the fish are sensitive, romantic, and empathic.
They have specific interests when it comes to love and affection. If you are too aggressive or intense, he gets turned off. He needs gentle and sensual kisses.
The more in tune you are with the desires of your Pisces man, the better. He’s too passive to tell you what he wants. You have to intuitively understand him.
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1. Kiss Him Before Bed
Pisces is the sign of the mystical dreamer. The more you connect with his subconscious and make him feel comfortable, the better. Kiss him before he goes to bed. This excites his desires.
Ideally, kiss his eyelids as he’s drifting off to sleep. A Pisces man who is sleepy, yet awake enough to be lucid, falls in love when you kiss him as he drifts to sleep.
He’ll carry the memory of this kiss into his dreams. Pisces men are intuitive and believe in the power of their dreams. A Pisces man will want to blend the pleasures of a kiss with the possibilities of a dream.
With knowledge of how to kiss a Pisces, a woman can fascinate a man born under this sign. He’s always got one foot in a dream world, so kissing him as he goes to bed strengthens his connection to you.
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2. Kiss His Back
Pisces men have specific erogenous zones. Though his back is not his most sensitive area, it is a great place to kiss a Pisces man. His back covers a large surface area.
He’s got so many nerve endings in this area, and the element of surprise helps. He can’t see what you’re doing and must rely on his other senses, which heightens his pleasure.
Pisces men love the combination of sensuality and spirituality. He must sense where you plan to kiss him next when you kiss his back. A Pisces man is enticed when you connect with him this way.
When will Pisces have their first kiss? Pisces men usually have a history with kissing that goes back to preteen years. But their sensual kissing history emerges in adulthood.
They are too shy and inhibited to do much dating in high school. When you kiss a Pisces man’s back, you help him feel more empowered because he doesn’t have to make eye contact at first.
3. Kiss His Ankles
Every sign of the zodiac has a part of the body that is particularly sensitive. For Pisces men, that area is both the feet and ankles. Kissing a Pisces man’s ankles drives him wild.
You can further his pleasure if you’re comfortable kissing his feet. A Pisces man is so sensitive in this area he may become ticklish. If this is the case, the tickling sensation distracts from pleasure.
Kissing a Pisces man’s ankles turns him on while avoiding the tickling sensation that overwhelms him. You can surprise him by kissing this area most women ignore.
What does a Pisces man look for in a woman? He is thrilled by a woman who loses herself in the moment as he does. If you have no limits and enjoy sensuality without restraining yourself, he’ll fall in love.
This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.
4. Give Deep Kisses
Pisces men have a secret desire. They want to get lost in relationships. They take intimacy seriously. They want to remove all barriers and get as close to their love interest as possible.
A Pisces man’s kissing style reflects this. He prefers deep, long, dramatic kisses. Unlike many other guys, he doesn’t get distracted by the unattractive aspects of such intense kissing. He appreciates deep kisses no matter how sloppy.
Kiss a Pisces man deeply, and he will never want to let you go. He loves french kissing in particular. A Pisces man wants to forget the rest of the world and lose himself in the moment.
Are Pisces good at kissing? Their love of deep, soulful kissing can overwhelm some women. Their style of kissing is an acquired taste. They can be too intense and come across as not having a good technique.
A Pisces kissing style is unpredictable, wild, sloppy, and intense. Men born under this sign are impulsive when it comes to kissing. They don’t hold back their feelings.
When Pisces and Cancer kiss, they naturally go for deep and intimate encounters. This pair knows how to excite each other through intense kissing.
5. Give Surprise Kisses
Take a Pisces man by surprise when you kiss him. A kiss sweeps a Pisces man off his feet when he doesn’t see it coming. He loves when you surprise him with unexpected kisses.
When a Pisces man is having a rough day, you can cheer him up by interrupting his train of thought. When he complains about his stressful day, look into his eyes and kiss him at a moment’s notice.
When a Pisces man comes home from work, meet him at the door and shower him with kisses. No matter how he felt before he opens the door, once he sees that you are waiting for him, he cheers up.
When Pisces man PDA is not feasible, it’s best to give him quick kisses than to ignore him. Men born under this romantic sign prefer some affection rather than none.
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6. Kiss Him in The Water
Pisces men are born under a water sign. Like all water signs, they have a special water connection. When you kiss him in or near water, you melt his heart. Kiss him in a pool or while on a boat.
You can also make him fall in love when you walk with him by the ocean or a river as the sun is setting. At the moment he least expects it, look into his eyes and kiss him.
A romantic atmosphere involving water makes him fall for you. You can also kiss him by a water fountain, and the sound of water transports him into a fantasy world.
A Pisces man in love with you feels like his life is complete when you kiss him in or near the water. This romantic gesture blends the best of his favorite things.
7. Kiss Him Dramatically
Don’t hold back when you kiss a Pisces man. He may be subtle and shy, but he wants to kiss intensely. Make a scene while kissing him. Pisces men dream of being kissed like they’re in a romance film.
When a Pisces man kisses you softly, intensify the moment. Pisces men adapt to their partner. You can set the pace with a Pisces man without worrying about intimidating him.
The more dramatic you are when you kiss him, the better. Pisces men get carried away when kissing. He feels rejected if you are too controlled or hold back your passion. Show him you are wild about him.
A Pisces man in bed loves to engage in role play and theatrics. He may be shy in public, but Pisces men have a kinky side. You encourage him to expand past his limits when you kiss him dramatically.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man.
8. Steal Playful Kisses
Sometimes you don’t have time for passionate kisses. Kiss a Pisces man quickly and playfully in these moments, and he’ll feel connected to you. When you’re driving together and stopped at a traffic light, steal a kiss.
You can also steal a kiss from a Pisces man when you’re standing in line at the theater, waiting for dinner in a restaurant, or when you surprise him at work and no one is looking.
Stealing a kiss from a Pisces man is an ideal way to keep him fantasizing about you when he can’t indulge in his fantasies. He eagerly awaits the moment when you have more time together.
9. Give Friendly Love-Bites
When you give a Pisces man love bites, he gets excited. Pisces men aren’t into rough foreplay, but they get carried away. He gets turned on if you nibble on his neck, ears, or shoulders.
You can encourage a Pisces man to explore his kinky fantasies when you give him love bites. Don’t be too rough; Pisces men are sensitive. They don’t mind getting hickeys.
They see these marks as a souvenir of your passion and affection. Pisces men can be encouraged to show their wild side. They love it when you display your affection this way.
Where do Pisces men like to be touched? They love it when a woman touches and kisses their entire body. Reserve love bites for his back, shoulders, ears, and neck.
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10. Leave Lipstick Marks
In addition to leaving an occasional hickey on a Pisces man, you can also leave your mark with lipstick. Men born under this sign are creative and artistic. Wear bright colors on your lips and mark up his neck.
Rather than being irritated, a Pisces man will be thrilled to have lipstick marks left on his skin. Men born under this sign are submissive. When you leave lipstick marks, you playfully assert domination.
Lipstick marks also serve as a gentle reminder of your romantic time together. Pisces men are sentimental and love to savor these reminders of pleasurable experiences.
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