There are many reasons why a Leo man might be ignoring you. Leo men can be dramatic at times and may give you the silent treatment.
If you want to avoid being ignored, pay attention to your Leo man and be sure to keep him excited and stimulated.
A Leo man might ignore you because he thinks you have been ignoring him. Leo men need a lot of attention! Make your Leo man feel special, and he’ll stop ignoring you.
Leo men also get bored quickly. You can keep a Leo man around by keeping him interested. If you can excite him, he’ll stick around.
Make sure you respect a Leo man’s boundaries and listen to him as well. He wants to feel like you care about him. He might ignore you if he ever feels like you don’t care.
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1. Pay Attention To Him
Sometimes when a Leo man goes silent, it’s because you haven’t been paying enough attention to him. He may start to sulk if he thinks you’re ignoring him.
A Leo man’s communication style isn’t always as straightforward as it should be. Leo men hate talking about feelings. They might act out and ignore you instead of telling you that something is wrong.
Leo men need a lot of attention. They love being in the spotlight! If your Leo man is ignoring you, try reaching out.
If all he needs is some attention, he will stop ignoring you immediately. Once he gets that attention that he craves, he will have no reason to give you the silent treatment.
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2. Don’t Make Him Jealous
Why do Leo men ignore you sometimes? One reason might be because they are jealous. A jealous Leo man may pout and give his partner the silent treatment.
Playing hard to get might work before you start dating a Leo man. If you are in a relationship, though, avoid doing that.
Your Leo man will likely ignore you if he sees you flirting with other men. Do your best to never make him jealous, and he won’t start ignoring you out of jealousy.
A Leo man might ignore you when jealous because he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. He might also ignore you as a way of getting your attention back on him.
If a Leo man ignores you because he’s jealous, reassure him. Let him know that he’s the only one for you, and he’ll start paying attention to you again.
3. Don’t Hurt His Ego
A Leo man’s silent treatment can be avoided if you are careful not to hurt his ego. Sometimes, a Leo man will ignore you if you wound his ego.
A Leo man’s ego is enormous, but it can also be fragile. If you insult a Leo man or hurt him in any way, he might give you the silent treatment. You can stop him from ignoring you by constantly trying to be kind.
If you need to criticize a Leo man, do so gently. Pair the criticism with praise and make sure it is constructive! You don’t need to judge your Leo man all the time if it’s not necessary.
When your Leo man’s ego is hurt, you can cheer him up by complimenting him and letting him know how much he matters to you. That will quickly help him get over whatever hurt his feelings.
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4. Keep Him Interested
If a Leo man is pulling away, it might be because he’s bored! You can keep him around by making sure you always keep him interested.
Make sure that you try to do activities your Leo man enjoys when you two are together. You can do things you like sometimes but don’t always focus on yourself.
If a Leo man seems bored while you’re talking to him, switch subjects. Start talking about something you know he enjoys!
A Leo man might stop responding to your texts if he’s bored by the current topic of conversation. He may walk away from you at a party and start talking to somebody else for the same reason.
As long as you can mix things up and keep your Leo man interested at all times, he’ll be less likely to ignore you.
5. Be Playful
If a Leo man ignores you because he’s angry, you can sometimes calm him down by being silly and playful.
Your Leo partner won’t be able to keep ignoring you if he sees that you’re off having a good time. If he sees you outside playing a game with the neighbors, he’ll want to join in.
When your Leo man is sulking in his room and ignoring you, he’ll come out and see what’s going on if he hears you laughing in the next room. He’ll want to join in on whatever fun you’re having!
Being playful and silly can help diffuse a situation after you’ve fought with your Leo man. Making a couple of jokes can soothe his anger.
A Leo man might not ignore you in the first place if he knows he can have a good time with you. He’ll enjoy being around you and your playful nature.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man.
6. Respect His Boundaries
A Leo man might start to ignore you if you constantly push his boundaries. You can keep him around by always respecting any boundaries he puts in place.
There is a difference between helping someone get out of their comfort zone and overstepping a boundary. If you want to keep a Leo man around, you need to learn that difference.
Leo men like to try new things. A Leo man won’t say no to an experience without having a good reason. If your Leo man says he doesn’t want to do something, don’t push it.
If your Leo man frequently doesn’t want to talk about certain subjects or do specific things, you can ask him what’s wrong. Don’t try to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do, though.
When a Leo man sets a hard boundary with you, respect it! He doesn’t always need to explain himself if he doesn’t want to. Just obey the boundary.
7. Listen To Him
It is hard for Leo men to open up to people. They don’t always like talking about their feelings or deeply personal subjects. If a Leo man opens up to you, make sure you listen to him.
A Leo man might ignore you after a display of vulnerability if he thinks you weren’t listening. He may get upset and withdraw from you if he feels like you don’t care.
When your Leo man tells you he needs something from you, listen to him! He doesn’t often ask for help or support. It’s a big deal if he reaches out to you and tells you he needs help.
If a Leo man is angry with you, let him know that you’re willing to listen if he wants to tell you what’s wrong. Don’t argue with him or get defensive. Just hear him out.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in.
8. Make Him Feel Special
A Leo man won’t want to ignore you if he always feels special when he’s with you.
If he’s upset or sad, he might come to you instead of withdrawing from the world. Your Leo man will be more likely to stick around when he’s sad if he knows you can cheer him up.
When your Leo man is already ignoring you, you can send him a friendly message letting him know how much you care. Tell him that you understand if he needs space but that you’re there if he needs anything.
Your Leo man will come back when he knows that you care about him. He will feel loved when he knows that you respect his boundaries and are also there whenever he wants to talk again.
9. Excite Him
If you want to attract a Leo man, you need to excite him! Keeping him excited can also stop him from ignoring you.
You can quickly end a Leo man’s silent treatment after an argument by sending him some sexy photos or trying to initiate sex. Get him riled up, and he won’t be able to ignore you.
When your Leo man seems bored or upset, offer to take him out for a night on the town. If you can keep your Leo man busy and excited, he’ll be less likely to withdraw from the world when he’s down.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you.
10. Give Him Space When Needed
When a Leo man is mad at you, he might ignore you because he needs some time to calm down.
A Leo man isn’t always giving you the silent treatment to hurt you. He might be doing it so he can talk to you once he’s no longer angry.
If a Leo man is upset, he might need some space. This is true even if he’s not upset because of you. Respect this and give him the time he needs.
A Leo man will be less likely to give you the silent treatment if he knows you’ll respect his requests for alone time.
When a Leo man is done with you for good, he will let you know. If he asks for space, he still intends on being with you. He just needs alone time.
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