If you want to make a Gemini miss you, you need to put a lot of effort into it! Gemini men are social butterflies.
The closer you are to a Gemini man, the more he’ll miss you. You should focus on building a bond with him.
If a Gemini man ignores you, you can make him miss you by reminding him of your existence. Send him photos of yourself or the two of you.
You can also make a Gemini miss you by leaving your things behind at his house. Your Gemini man will see your toothbrush in his bathroom and think of you.
A Gemini man won’t miss you if you two don’t have a bond. Take the time to build a relationship with him, and your Gemini man will miss you when you two are apart.
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1. Send Photos Of You Two
If you want to make a Gemini man miss you like crazy, send him photos of the two of you.
You can send him photos of yourself when you are on a business trip or vacation without your Gemini man. Throw in a few selfies you two took together, and he’ll wish he was with you!
If you break up with your Gemini man, sending photos will make him miss you. Send some pictures from your phone that you’ve never shown him before. Tell him you found some printed photos that you forgot about.
When your Gemini man sees how happy you two were together, he’ll miss you.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic)
2. Leave Things Behind
If you want to make a Gemini man miss you after a breakup, you can leave some of your things behind at his place. He will think of you every time he sees them.
Leave behind some clothes after staying at his house. Let him borrow a book or a movie and “forget” to ask for it back.
When a Gemini man is mad at you, seeing something as simple as your toothbrush sitting on his bathroom sink can help calm him down. A Gemini man will quickly get over his anger when he misses you.
3. Interesting Conversations
Gemini men love to talk. Chatting with other people is one of the ways a Gemini man gathers more information and learns about the world.
Gemini men also get bored quickly if a conversation isn’t interesting. You can keep a Gemini man around if he always enjoys talking to you.
A Gemini man will miss you terribly if you are usually the person he talks to at certain parties or events and you’re not there. He will miss conversing with you, especially if nobody else can keep him entertained the way you do.
The more exciting a Gemini man thinks you are, the more he’ll miss you when you’re not around. Your Gemini man might become bored when he doesn’t see you for a while.
You can also make a Gemini man miss you when he sees you conversing with other people online. He’ll see that you’re giving others attention, and he’ll want attention as well.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man.
If you want to make a Gemini man obsessed with you, you can do this by sharing a unique hobby with him. He will love doing this hobby with you, especially if nobody else he knows shares the hobby.
Your Gemini man might have to do his hobby by himself if you two break up or if you’re on vacation without him. He’ll miss having you there to enjoy the activity with him.
Your Gemini ex might message you now and then to see if you still want to hang out with him. One reason for this might be because he can’t find anyone else to connect with him on this hobby.
5. Give Him Gifts
Will a Gemini man miss you after a breakup? He often will. One of the ways to make him miss you is to give him a lot of gifts. He will miss you every time he sees or uses one of these gifts.
Give your Gemini man handmade gifts if you can. If you are a painter, paint him something to hang on his wall. Knit him a scarf or sew a shirt for him.
These one-of-a-kind gifts are things your Gemini man will likely keep, even if you two end your relationship. He will probably have a hard time getting rid of them.
Every time your Gemini man sees the painting or wears the scarf, he will think of you and miss you.
This works with any gift, though ones with sentimental value hold more weight. Books are another great gift. A Gemini man won’t just think of you when he sees his copy of the book. He’ll think of you any time the book is mentioned.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you.
6. Take Time Away From Him
If you want to know how to make a Gemini man chase you, play hard to get a bit. Take some time away from him because absence can genuinely make the heart grow fonder.
When you ignore a Gemini man, he may start to miss you. He will often give you space if you need it, but he’ll still miss being around you.
It is good to have time away from your partner, even if you and your Gemini man are on good terms. Sometimes, it’s healthy for the two of you to do things separately.
Even if your Gemini man is having fun doing something else, he’ll still miss you. As soon as you two are together again, he’ll want to hear all about what you were up to while you two were apart.
If you want to make a Gemini man jealous, have a busy social life. He might miss you and become jealous of the people who get to interact with you when he can’t.
Your Gemini man won’t expect you to be with him constantly. He knows you have other friends. He does too!
He will miss you if your social life gets in the way of spending time with him. A Gemini man will also miss you after a breakup if he sees you living your life and having fun with other people.
Post pictures on social media to make sure your Gemini man sees all the fun you’re having. Don’t be surprised if you see him commenting or liking your photos. That is a sign that your Gemini man misses you.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic)
8. Form An Emotional Bond
Will a Gemini man regret losing you after a breakup? He will if he has a strong emotional bond with you.
It takes a long time to build a strong emotional bond with someone. A Gemini man will miss you when you’re not around if he feels connected to you.
You can form an emotional bond with a Gemini man by opening up and being vulnerable with him. Be someone he can trust and rely on. Show him that you’ll be there for him no matter what.
If there ever comes a time when you aren’t there for him, he’ll miss you. When a Gemini man breaks up with someone, that emotional bond is often what he misses the most.
Does a Gemini man always come back to his ex? He doesn’t always. He is more likely to change his mind about a breakup if he still feels connected to her, though.
9. Make Him Laugh
If you can always make a Gemini man laugh, he’ll love being around you! He’ll miss having you around when he’s down.
You’ll come to mind for a Gemini man if he feels sad and needs somebody to cheer him up. He will wonder where you are and will likely try to reach out.
You will be the first person a Gemini man thinks of when he needs someone who can make him smile. If he knows it’s always easy to laugh and have fun with you, he’ll want you around when he’s sad or upset.
When you and your Gemini man are apart, text him with some jokes and silly pictures. You’ll be able to cheer him up and make him miss you even more. He’ll be counting down the days until he can see you again!
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
10. Be Kind
Always try to be kind and compassionate with a Gemini man. He won’t miss you being around if you’re rude to him all the time.
You should be kind to others as well. A Gemini man might see you treating others with care when you and he are fighting. He will miss being the one that kindness is focused on.
Gemini men like being around people with positive energy. If you are kind, compassionate, and fun to be around, a Gemini man will miss you and the positive energy you bring.
If your Gemini ex reaches out and says he misses you, be nice to him! He is trying to connect. This isn’t the time to play games with him. If you also miss him, be honest. If you don’t want to reconnect, let him down gently.
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