
10 Secrets to Making a Sagittarius Man Miss You (A Lot)

Updated September 12, 2024

If you want to make a Sagittarius man miss you, there are a lot of things you can do to remind him of you and make him long for you.

A Sagittarius man might start to miss being with you when he sees all the fun you’re having without him.

You can use most of the same techniques whether you’re trying to make your Sagittarius ex miss you or you’re just trying to catch the eye of a new love interest. Make sure he’s noticing your presence and he’ll miss you.

Don’t actively reach out to him. You want to seem mysterious and aloof. Do post online and go on adventures with other people. You want him to know that you’re having a great time without him.

You want him to see you and notice you but you don’t necessarily want him to know that he can have you.

1. Be Mysterious

Sagittarius men like a bit of mystery. They like it when they have to work to figure somebody out.

You want him to see that you’re out having fun without him but you also don’t want to reveal everything that you’re doing to him.

If you post a photo with another man, don’t say anything about your relationship with him. He might just be a friend or a random person you met at a party.

Your Sagittarius man will be wondering if he’s a new love interest if you don’t say that.

Don’t post saying you’re planning to go on a trip over the weekend. Just go! Suddenly start posting pictures out of the blue.

Keep him guessing. Make him wonder what it is that you do when you’re out without him.

If he reaches out to you, don’t always reply right away. when you ignore a Sagittarius man, that makes you seem more mysterious. He is used to people being interested in him. He’ll wonder why you aren’t.

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2. Be A Challenge

You don’t want your Sagittarius man to think that he can have you just because he calls you up. You want him to have to work for your affections.

If he knows that you’ll answer immediately every time he calls, he’s not going to miss you. He knows that he can get your attention whenever he wants to.

Keep him on his toes. If he doesn’t know when you’re going to be available to him, that will make him miss you more.

If you two aren’t dating, you can also be a challenge by going out with other people. Show him that he’s not the only man in your life.

He might see that you’re off having fun with another man and feel challenged by that. He’ll miss being the one who is at your side for events.

3. Have Confidence

Your Sagittarius man will miss you more when he sees you out there living your life confidently.

When you are with him, make sure he knows that you’re hot stuff. Stand out from everyone else with your confident aura.

Then, when you two are apart, he won’t be able to stop thinking about you.

Have confidence in your abilities. Show off how smart and talented you are. That will also help to keep you on his mind.

When something about you stands out, he’ll think about you often. If he hasn’t seen you in a while, those memories will make him miss having you around.

This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you.

4. Be Sexy

If you are a bold, sexy person, that might help make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you. He loves people who are comfortable with themselves.

The key to making a Sagittarius man miss you is making him think about you when you aren’t there. One way you can do this is by being as sexy as possible when you’re around him.

Show off your assets, online and when you’re with him in person. Make sure he can see what a catch you are.

Again, you want to give him a reason to think of you when you’re not with him. If you wore a particularly sexy dress the last time he saw you, he might think of that later on.

Drive him wild in bed as well. Raise the bar when it comes to sex. The next time he has sex with someone else, he’ll be missing you if they aren’t as good as you are.

5. Show Off

Will a Sagittarius man regret losing you after a breakup? He might if he sees how much you’re thriving without him.

If you go on a trip, send some pictures of it. When you’re out dancing at a club, post a few videos online.

If you have a new beau, show that off as well. If he sees that you’ve moved on and are dating again, that will make a Sagittarius man miss you.

You want him to see how interesting your life is. You want him to wonder what adventure you’ll be off on next.

If you two broke up, you want to make him regret ending the relationship. You can do this by showing him that you’re thriving without him.

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6. Post Often

If he sees that you’re off having a great time without him, that might make a Sagittarius man miss you like crazy. It might make him feel like he’s missing out on having those experiences with you.

Sagittarius men sometimes get FOMO (fear of missing out) when other people go on trips without them. He likes to have new experiences! While he is independent, he might see your posts on social media and miss being with you.

Again, you can also use your posts to make him wonder what you’re up to. Don’t reveal every single thing you’re doing. Leave him guessing a little.

If he sees that you’re interacting with other people online, he might even get a little jealous. This is especially true if you’ve been ignoring him. He’ll want to talk to you as well.

7. No Contact

If you want to make a Sagittarius man miss you after a breakup, don’t reach out to him. Post on social media about all the fun things you’re doing. Talk to friends about how great your life is. Don’t talk to him, though.

Don’t respond if he hits you up in the middle of the night. Don’t answer him every time he calls. Ignore his comments on your social media posts.

He’s not going to miss you if you two are in constant contact. If he knows that you’re going to drop everything the second he reaches out, that won’t make him want you.

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8. Play Hard To Get

Playing hard to get with a Sagittarius man often works if you’re trying to make him more interested in you.

You can do this with a Sagittarius man you’ve just started dating or an ex you’re trying to get back.

Does a Sagittarius man always come back after a breakup? Not always, depending on the circumstances. If you keep him on your hook and make him miss you, he might come back, though.

If you want to get your Sagittarius ex back, don’t reach out to him too much. Don’t act too clingy or needy. Step back and let him chase after you.

You do have to be careful with this one. If a Sagittarius man thinks he has zero chance with you, he might still miss you. He won’t go after you, though. He’ll just try to get over you.

9. Jealousy

Flirting with other men in front of him is one way to make a Sagittarius man jealous.

If he sees that you’ve moved on after a breakup or thinks he might have missed his chance if you’re never dated before, that might kick him into gear.

If he starts to feel jealous over the fact that you’re having great experiences without him, that might make a Sagittarius man realize he misses you.

As mentioned, posting online is one way to make him see all the fun you’re having without him. That will make him jealous! He might be jealous of you for having the experiences. He might also be jealous of the people who are with you.

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10. Leave Your Things Behind

Leaving your things behind at his place is one of the easiest ways to make him miss you.

Will a Sagittarius man miss you after a breakup? He will if there are things around his home that remind him of you.

When a Sagittarius man is mad at you, seeing your toothbrush in his bathroom or one of your dresses in his laundry might help calm him down and make him miss being with you.

Your things will instantly remind him of you. Depending on what you left behind, he might also be reminded of experiences you two had together. That will make him miss you and the relationship you used to have.

You can also make him miss you if you’ve given him gifts before. If he still has them, he’ll think of you every time he sees them.

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