
Do Pisces Men Play Hard to Get? (An Explanation)

Updated February 22, 2025

The way a Pisces man plays hard to get is fairly typical. He will be “hot and cold” and send all kinds of mixed signals.

He doesn’t always do this on purpose, though. He is sometimes legitimately confused in love.

Pisces men usually play hard to get so that they can get an idea of how serious you are about them. This is a man who is afraid of getting hurt. He wants to make sure you’re interested.

He might close himself off as a way to not get hurt. He’s not always playing with you. He sometimes legitimately has a hard time getting close to someone.

If he goes from chatting constantly with you one minute to ghosting you entirely, it might be because he’s not sure about the relationship.

Hot & Cold

Being hot and cold is what most people think of when they think of playing hard to get. It’s a common technique and it’s one that many Pisces men use.

Your Pisces man might stay up all night with you chatting about intimate, personal topics. The next day, you’ll be lucky if he even sends you a message to say hi.

He will be all over you one day and completely avoid you the next.

Sometimes Pisces men aren’t doing this on purpose. He may just feel embarrassed because he thinks he overshared or talked about himself too much. He might think he’s moving too fast and back off.

If he is doing it on purpose, he’s doing it to test the waters.

He may also be doing it because he’d rather be the one to cool things off if you think he’s going too fast. If his oversharing about his emotions was too much for you, he wants to be the one to back off first.

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Feigns Disinterest

How does a Pisces man test you? He’ll pretend not to be interested in you. He does this to get a reaction out of you.

He might ignore you when he sees you at an event. He’ll make it clear that he did notice you were around but he’ll make no move to approach you.

He’ll ignore your messages when you text him. He might leave you on read or just never reply.

A Pisces man does this to see how interested you are in him. If you’re not that interested, you might just back off and start pursuing somebody else.

He might think that you’ll pursue him more or reach out more often if you are interested. This won’t always happen, of course! You don’t have to play his games.

If you’re willing to, though, just keep trying to reach out to him. Eventually, he’ll see that you’re interested and he’ll stop pretending he’s not.

Restrains Himself

How does a Pisces man act when he likes you? He’ll be fairly open with you. If he starts restraining himself or holding himself back, it can be for a variety of reasons.

Pisces men are often afraid of getting hurt. If he’s been burnt in the past, he’ll be wary of getting into a new relationship.

If he sees any red flags in your behavior, he will likely restrain himself from getting too close to you too fast.

He doesn’t want to dive into things too quickly. He wants to see how you feel about him first.

If you continue to show interest, he’ll slowly start to open up more. If he sees that you care about him, he’ll stop restraining himself so much. You’ll start to see more and more of how he feels about you.

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Hard to Read

Many Pisces men are open books. Pisces is a water sign so they feel emotions deeply. Unlike their fellow water sign, Scorpio, they are often more open about their emotions.

If he’s playing hard to get, he’ll make every attempt to be hard to read.

He won’t always succeed in this, of course. He may try to hide his emotions from you but he’s not always good at it!

If you notice that he’s trying to keep a poker face whenever you’re around, he’s likely playing hard to get. He doesn’t want to give you any indication that he likes you. He doesn’t want to show you how he feels.

Even if he is initially good at being hard to read, you’ll eventually start to see his “tells”. As you get to know him better, you’ll be able to see when he’s purposely trying to hide his emotions.

That facade will often start to crack quickly. Pisces men aren’t the best at covering up how they feel, especially if they are with somebody they have a crush on or who they care about.

Mixed Signals

It can be very frustrating when people give off mixed signals. This is one of the ways a Pisces man will try to play hard to get.

He might kiss you after a date and then avoid all physical contact during your next outing together.

He may act like he’s not that interested but tell a mutual friend of yours that he’s really into you.

He’ll constantly send you messages sometimes and then completely ignore you.

He might be doing this to play hard to get. He might also be doing it because he’s not sure of how he feels. He may not know how you feel either and that can make him nervous.

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Closes Himself Off

It can be difficult knowing what to do when your Pisces man backs off. If you two have been getting close and he suddenly closes himself off, that can be extremely frustrating.

He sometimes does this in his efforts to play hard to get. This is another complicated matter, though, because he also does it when he’s not interested in somebody.

If a Pisces man is not interested in you, he’s never going to get close to you to begin with. He doesn’t want you getting the wrong idea.

Pisces men are often oversharers when it comes to personal information and how they feel. If he’s attempting to not share things with you, he may be purposely trying to back off or show you that he’s not interested.

When a Pisces man goes cold, sometimes the best thing to do is just to let him have his space. He may be feeling overwhelmed.

He’ll Ghost You

If a Pisces man is leading you on, eventually he’s going to ghost you. If he’s playing hard to get, he’ll come back eventually.

Pisces men aren’t going to avoid you forever if they like you. Your Pisces man won’t be able to help but seek you out, whether he’s playing hard to get or not.

If a Pisces man misses you, he’ll quickly come back. Sometimes it backfires when he plays hard to get! If you don’t react, he’ll just end up playing himself.

when a Pisces man ignores you, it’s not always because he’s playing hard to get. Sometimes he just needs space.

A Pisces man who is playing hard to get knows that he needs to do something to show you that he is interested in you. He won’t ghost you forever if he’s just playing around with you.

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Commitment Issues

Many Pisces men have commitment issues. They are very emotional people and they are afraid of getting hurt. This can make it difficult to get close to people.

If you’re looking for signs a Pisces man is playing you, pay attention to how he acts when you talk about commitment.

A Pisces man who is just afraid of commitment might be open with you about his fears. He won’t always avoid the topic. If he wants to get closer to you, he’ll share how he feels eventually.

A Pisces man who is playing you won’t want to talk about commitment at all. He may become cold if you bring up the idea.

If he’s just playing hard to get, you’ll be able to tell. He might try to hide a smile when you start to talk about the future. He may stop playing hard to get if he sees that you are serious about him.

He’ll Go Quiet

A Pisces man might suddenly go quiet after you two have been chatting a lot. He might be playing hard to get when he does this.

If you want to make a Pisces man miss you, just ignore him back. If he’s trying to play with you, he’ll quickly realize that it’s not going to work.

Pisces men do legitimately need time to themselves sometimes, though. They aren’t always the most social of people. If he’s been spending a lot of time with you, he might need to take some time to be alone and recharge.

If he’s playing hard to get, it’s just going to be you that he goes quiet on. If he needs alone time, he won’t be talking to anybody else either.

Whether he’s playing hard to get or he just needs time to himself, he’ll eventually come back. If he is interested in you, he’ll want to talk to you. He won’t be able to stay away forever.

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