A Scorpio man, after a breakup, won’t always act logically. He’ll be incredibly hurt and emotional, even if he tries to pretend he’s not.
Whether he broke up with you or it was the other way around, your Scorpio man will likely have a difficult time with your breakup.
Scorpio men can be incredibly possessive and obsessive people, and that might not stop after a breakup. Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio man keeps tabs on you or acts jealous when you’re with others.
A Scorpio man might rebound and pretend he’s moved on, but it will take him a while to genuinely move on from a breakup, regardless of the circumstances.
Scorpio men do not always behave nicely after a breakup. If you broke up with him or did something to make him end things, he might gossip about you or make life difficult for you.
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He’ll Be Incredibly Hurt
Regardless of who ended the relationship, your Scorpio man will likely be incredibly hurt by your breakup.
If you broke up with your Scorpio man and he wasn’t expecting it, he might be hurt that you didn’t try to work things out first. He may feel blindsided, and he’ll be upset that you didn’t try harder to maintain the relationship.
Your Scorpio man will likely be hurt even if he is the one who broke up with you. If you cheated on him, he’ll definitely be hurt! Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, he’ll probably just be hurt because the relationship is ending.
Scorpio men take commitment seriously, and they don’t trust easily. If your Scorpio man was with you, it was because he thought you two could make things work. He’ll be hurt to know that you couldn’t.
A tiny trick to snatch your Scorpio man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
He Might Still Be Possessive
Many Scorpio men are possessive in their relationships. This is an incredibly common negative trait for Scorpios in general, and that possessive nature won’t stop just because you two broke up.
If your Scorpio man isn’t over your relationship, he might still think of you as “his.” He’ll become jealous when you flirt with other men and might act possessive when others try to make a move on you.
Setting clear boundaries with a Scorpio man after a breakup is essential. If you want to remain friends with him, you need to make it clear that he can’t keep acting like he did when you were in a relationship.
A more mature Scorpio man might know his feelings of possessiveness are irrational and unwanted. He may try to hide those feelings, but he is likely still dealing with them.
He’ll Keep Tabs On You
Do Scorpio men miss their exes? Your Scorpio man might miss you depending on why things ended and who caused the breakup. If you won’t talk to him, he’s likely to keep tabs on you and check up on what you’re doing anyway.
If you have your Scorpio man on social media, he’ll probably keep looking at your profile. He might not comment or acknowledge he’s seen your posts, but he’ll still look at them.
Your Scorpio man might also ask mutual friends what you’re up to. If you refuse to talk to him, he’ll still try to find out what you’re doing anyway.
Sometimes, your Scorpio man will do this innocently. Other times, he might get obsessive about it. This is another reason it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries after a breakup.
Ignoring a Scorpio man after a breakup sometimes isn’t enough. You may need to block him on social media and make sure that mutual friends aren’t telling him what you’re up to.
Is your Scorpio man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Scorpio back in.
He Might Be Obsessive
Will a Scorpio man regret losing you? He might. If he does, he might become obsessed with winning you back.
Obsession is another common trait for Scorpio men. When they love someone, they love them with all their hearts. A breakup won’t make that love go away immediately.
Your Scorpio man might show his obsession by constantly reaching out to you or keeping tabs on what you’re doing. He may talk about you regularly to other people in positive and negative ways.
If your Scorpio man is texting after a breakup when you’ve asked him not to, it’s because he’s feeling obsessive. He’s having difficulty respecting your boundaries because he doesn’t want to be without you.
An obsessive Scorpio man can be challenging to shake off. You should ask some friends to help you deal with him if your Scorpio ex is going too far.
He’ll Pretend He’s Moved On
How do Scorpio men act after a breakup? Even if yours is devastated and emotional, he might pretend everything is fine.
Scorpio men can be hard to read sometimes, and they can be unpredictable in many ways. Your Scorpio man might act obsessive and emotional after a breakup, but he may also act like he doesn’t care about the breakup at all.
Your Scorpio man might take a few days to process things, then act as if nothing happened. He may pretend like he’s moved on and that the breakup didn’t bother him at all.
A Scorpio man might tell his friends that he’s fine and completely over you even when he’s not. He might even start dating other people to prove he’s moved on, but that doesn’t mean he has.
Be careful if your Scorpio man says he’s okay with just being friends because he’s entirely over your relationship. He might not be telling the entire truth.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man.
He Might Rebound
How do Scorpio men deal with breakups? Many of them will rebound, at least physically. A Scorpio man having a few casual flings after a breakup is common.
Scorpio men might enjoy sex more with someone they have an emotional connection with, but they have no issue having sex without love. A Scorpio man might use sex to help him get over a breakup.
If a Scorpio man isn’t over your breakup, he won’t get into a serious relationship too soon. He’ll have no issue having a casual relationship with someone, though. He might have a few one-night stands or even get a friend with benefits.
Don’t be surprised if you see your Scorpio man running around with other women shortly after your breakup. Even if he’s not over you, he’ll have no issue with a rebound or two.
He’ll Be Overly Emotional
Scorpio is a water sign. Scorpio men don’t always get a reputation for being as openly emotional as Cancer or Pisces men, but they can be.
A Scorpio man is likely to be more emotional than usual after a breakup. He’ll be torn up inside even if he puts on a brave face.
If you are friends with a Scorpio man, you might notice that he acts more irritable after a breakup. He might even be openly miserable around you or other friends if you’re close.
Scorpio men don’t always know how to reach out for support or deal with their emotions.
They feel things deeply, but they try to hide how emotional they are. A significant disruption like a breakup can make it more difficult to conceal their emotions.
Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio man cries during your breakup or if he sends you emotional text messages. He’ll probably be devastated by the breakup.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic)
He Might Gossip About You
How do Scorpio men treat their exes? If things ended on good terms, your Scorpio man might behave himself. If things ended poorly, he might gossip and say rude things about you behind your back.
If your Scorpio man broke up with you because you cheated on him, expect mutual friends to hear about it. He won’t always keep the details of your breakup a secret.
Sometimes, the best way to deal with a Scorpio man after a breakup is to ignore the gossip or act like it doesn’t affect you. He’s likely just trying to get revenge on you or looking for an emotional reaction. Don’t let him know he’s won.
He’ll Take Time To Actually Move On
Do Scorpio men get over breakups quickly? Many of them do not. Even if your Scorpio man broke up with you, he’ll still need time to move on from the relationship.
Your Scorpio man might hide his emotions, rebound, and pretend everything is okay. That does not mean he’s over you, though!
Scorpio men take a long time to move on from relationships. If your Scorpio man was committed to you, he won’t get over that quickly. It will take a while for him to feel like he can have another serious relationship.
It might take years for a Scorpio man to fully get over his ex, especially if they were together for a long time. Even if your Scorpio man has accepted your breakup, he may still have lingering feelings for you for a while.
Will a Scorpio man come back after a breakup? If you broke up with your Scorpio man, but he still loves you, he might have difficulty moving on. He may try to win you back instead.
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