
Do Taurus Men Play Hard to Get? (An Explanation)

Updated February 20, 2025

Is a Taurus man hard to get into a committed relationship? Men born under this sign are born for romance.

They long for love and stability, but they also hold back. Taurus men don’t easily trust others.

Taurus men are slow to show a woman they care. You may think a Taurus man is playing you, but he’s just protecting his heart.

When you understand how a Taurus man plays hard to get, you can recognize when he is interested in you. He leaves hints about his feelings.

Taurus men shut down when they feel insecure. Playing hard to get gives them time to evaluate if they are ready for a serious relationship.

He’s Selective

One of the ways Taurus men play hard to get is by being selective. A Taurus man uses his impossibly high standards to vet potential partners. He observes you for a long time and tallies your flaws and strengths.

A Taurus man can be so selective that he shuts down when he sees certain red flags. Even innocent behavior or mistakes can make him lose interest in a woman.

He rigorously screens his girlfriends like an employer screening a job candidate. Taurus men don’t want to invest time in a relationship unless they’re sure it will succeed. You have to live up to his high standards.

His initial expectations relate to appearance. It seems superficial, but a Taurus man only wants to date people who keep up with their appearance and dress well.

He also has high standards regarding work ethic and loyalty. A Taurus man expects you to be ambitious and faithful. He doesn’t tolerate deceit or lies. He plays hard to get because he wants to know you are loyal.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man.

He’s Aloof

Women are confused by Taurus men in love. A Taurus man plays hard to get by being distant and aloof. He may be romantic and affectionate, making you think he wants a long-term relationship.

But as soon as you let your guard down and expect him to do the same, he gets cold instead. A Taurus man is aloof in love when he starts to feel too vulnerable.

He sends mixed signals because he wants to be with you but doesn’t want to get hurt. He retreats emotionally to protect himself from losing control and falling too fast.

This can look like a Taurus man playing hard to get but is his way of keeping himself from making a decision he regrets later. Taurus men are known to be distant.

He is likely to shut down emotionally shortly after making strides toward showing you how he feels. Taurus men play hard to get because they are afraid to open up. They don’t heal from betrayal.

If you want to know how to get a Taurus man interested again after he pulls away, respect his space and show him you are independent. Never chase him or act desperate.

He Takes His Time

Taurus men take their time in love. He plays hard to get by keeping you waiting. He flirts for months before asking you out. When you date a Taurus man, he will take a long time to define the relationship.

Don’t judge a relationship with a Taurus man as going nowhere until plenty of time has passed. He needs longer than most men to commit. A Taurus man moves slowly in love because he wants stability.

He doesn’t mean to play hard to get when he keeps you waiting. He doesn’t want to become serious until he is sure you won’t betray him. When you think it’s over, he’s ready to commit.

You have to know how to make a Taurus man chase you, but even in pursuit, Taurus men move slowly. Keep his interest by alternating between being available and too busy to seek him out.

A Taurus man’s slow courting style can be frustrating. His style is a sign he is interested in you. He values the relationship and doesn’t want to undermine his chances.

Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in.

He’s Patient

The reason Taurus men can wait so long in love is their patience. But his patience is a mixed blessing. He’s patient with the woman he cares for.

Yet his patient nature makes it seem like he’s playing hard to get. A Taurus man knows there is no reason to rush. You may feel he’ll never get serious about the relationship, but he’s taking his time.

Your passionate love for a Taurus man may lead you to want to know where you stand. A Taurus man continually deflects attempts to define the relationship and commit.

When he does this, reframe his stubbornness as patience. Remind yourself that he is just trying to make sure the relationship will last forever, he’s playing hard to get because he wants the bond to last.

He Keeps Control

Taurus men play hard to get because their biggest fear is falling in love and losing control. They pride themselves on being practical and sensible. Yet Taurus men are also romantic.

They know that when they fall in love, they act on emotion. The thought of letting his feelings influence his decision-making scares a Taurus man. He isn’t afraid of loving you, he’s afraid of losing control.

Playing hard to get is an easy way a Taurus man tries to stay a step ahead of his feelings. He goes overboard with strict boundaries because he’s afraid of losing control of himself if he doesn’t.

You have to know how to make a Taurus man miss you. Once you get him to think he has competition or may lose out on his chance with you, he will start to pursue you again.

Is it something about a Taurus man, or does a Taurus woman play hard to get, too? These elusive behaviors are universal to people born under the sign of the bull.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man...

He Tests You

Taurus men are notorious for testing the women they care for. Another way he plays hard to get is to challenge the woman he loves. He plays subtle mind games. Taurus men aren’t usually manipulative.

Will a Taurus man lead you on? No. He doesn’t pretend to want a woman to play with her mind. But if he likes you, he will test you to see your reaction. He tries to make you jealous.

How does a Taurus man test a woman? He uses practical scenarios to observe how you react. You may wonder if he is setting you up, and sometimes he is. He doesn’t want to be surprised with drama after committing.

He tests your loyalty. He may leave his phone nearby and pretend to leave the room to see if you go through his phone. He may pull away to see if you respect his space or become desperate.

A Taurus man tests you by setting boundaries. He wants to see how you react to him. He may set obstacles in your way to see if you keep calm. He doesn’t like drama.

He Holds Back

Taurus men play hard to get by holding back even when they want a relationship. When a Taurus man has had too much to drink, he becomes sentimental and lets his feelings show.

But on an average date, he doesn’t show how much he cares about you. He conceals his true feelings for as long as possible. When a Taurus man expresses love, he backpedals the next day.

Empathic women sense when a Taurus man is really in love. You feel him resisting his true passions. You may try to convince him to let down his guard. But the only way he will trust you is if you prove you’re loyal.

Even when you’ve done everything you can to convince your Taurus man that he can trust you, he still holds his feelings beneath the surface. He opens his heart on his terms. You can’t talk him into it.

This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you.

Eventually, He Commits

When a Taurus man can no longer hold back his desire for you he will eventually commit. Fortunately, by the time you’ve passed all his tests, he will go from ambivalent to completely loyal.

You won’t have to worry about a Taurus man wavering or playing hard to get once the relationship is official. When his mind is made up he will be completely yours.

Taurus men are mature. They don’t like wasting time with games and would rather not play hard to get. They only do it to protect themselves and buy time while they evaluate a relationship.

Once he commits to you, a Taurus man expects you to continue to try to impress him. He is disappointed when a woman is complacent after he finally commits to the relationship.

After getting a Taurus man’s mixed signals for months on end, when he finally commits it will be worth the wait. You’ll see why he had to be sure you were the right one for him.

He shows his passion and lust once he trusts you. You may end up wondering how to cool down a Taurus man. He won’t want to let you go when he’s made up his mind you’re the one for him.

Women often wonder when to give up on a Taurus man. Don’t think the worst just because a Taurus man plays hard to get at first. Beat him at his own game.

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