
Zodiac Signs • Page 17

How To Make a Taurus Man Open Up To You

Sometimes, the best way to get your Taurus man to open up to you is to open up to him first. Be vulnerable with him. Be honest, sincere, and supportive. Don’t play games with your Taurus man. He won’t be vulnerable with someone who is just messing with him. He won’t open up if you […]

Quick & Easy Guide To Text Flirting With an Aries Man

Aries men love to flirt. They also love attention. If you are open and honest with how you feel about him, he’ll appreciate it. Be sexy, be passionate, and be playful. You don’t need to be serious or try too hard when you’re flirting with him through text. Just go with your gut when it […]

Will a Taurus Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

A Taurus man won’t apologize after an argument if he thinks he was right. He might acknowledge that you’re upset. He may try to cheer you up. He won’t apologize if he feels like he did nothing wrong. Your Taurus man will need time even if he does decide to apologize. He wants to calm […]

10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Scorpio Man (Beware)

A Scorpio man will be deeply hurt if he trusts you and you betray him. Don’t spill it to other people when a Scorpio man tells you a secret. If he sets a boundary, don’t cross it! If you do, you’ll risk losing him. When a Scorpio man shows his true self to you, he’s […]

10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Pisces Man (Beware)

You can hurt a Pisces man by betraying his trust. Ignoring a Pisces man or criticizing him can also deeply upset him. This is especially true if he cares about you. Pisces men are forgiving people. If you accidentally hurt a Pisces man, he’ll forgive you for almost anything. Just apologize, and you two will […]

Understanding a Distant Virgo Man (Why? How To Fix?)

Virgo men will withdraw from the people around them when stressed out. A Virgo man won’t always seek comfort, especially if he’s feeling anxious. He might need you to offer comfort. A Virgo man will also distance himself if you aren’t meeting his needs. He might withdraw from you because you aren’t making him feel […]

8 Clear Signs That a Capricorn Man Loves You Like Crazy

When a Capricorn man is in love with you, he doesn’t show it in conventional romantic ways. Capricorn men are too sensible to get carried away with emotions. Men born under this sign refuse to lose control even when they fall in love. You must know his subtle cues, or else you’ll miss the signs […]

Quick & Easy Guide To Text Flirting With a Leo Man

Leo men love attention. When flirting with one, compliment him a lot! Let him know everything you like about him. Don’t be afraid to flatter him a bit. He’ll love it. Leo men also love to be in control. You can flirt with a Leo man and show interest, but you’ll be more successful if […]

9 Tricks to Win an Aquarius Man Back (Easy To Do)

After a breakup with an Aquarius man, try to play it cool. Don’t get overly emotional or beg for him to come back. You can keep communication open, but don’t overdo it. You should be open and honest with your Aquarius man if you want him to come back. You’ll win him over easier if […]

May Gemini vs June Gemini

The reason May Geminis and June Geminis are different has to do partially with how planetary rulership works. Gemini is divided into three subsections, and each section has a subruler, in addition to Gemini’s ruler. June Geminis tend to be more rebellious, while May Geminis are mischievous. All Geminis love making connections, but June Geminis […]