
Zodiac Signs • Page 19

What to Expect From a Leo Man After He Breaks Up

Every star sign reacts to breakups differently, and astrology can tell you what to expect from your ex after your relationship ends. Will your Leo ex sit around at home listening to sad songs and feeling sorry for himself, or will he go out and party as if nothing happened? Once you have a better […]

9 Secrets to Making a Virgo Man Obsessed (with You)

Try to look your best around your Virgo man. Let him get to know the real you, but put your best foot forward! Show off your intelligence, be honest with him, and try to make him laugh. If you can help your Virgo man relax around you, he’ll start to become obsessed. He’ll also become […]

Easy Guide To Elicit a Text Response From an Aquarius Man

Aquarius men get bored quickly. If your text conversations aren’t exciting, he’ll stop responding! Keep him engaged. Text jokes, be flirtatious, and mix things up. Your Aquarius man is more likely to respond if you ask a direct question or ask for help. Don’t tell him that he must answer, though. He’ll reply when he […]

Do Pisces Men Play Hard to Get? (An Explanation)

Pisces men usually play hard to get so that they can get an idea of how serious you are about them. This is a man who is afraid of getting hurt. He wants to make sure you’re interested. He might close himself off as a way to not get hurt. He’s not always playing with […]

What to Expect From a Taurus Man After He Breaks Up

If a Taurus man is in a relationship, he’s in it for the long haul. Taurus men often get a sense of stability and security from their relationship. After a breakup, a Taurus man may feel miserable and unstable. A Taurus man may also have mixed emotions about a breakup. Even if he knows it […]

How To Flirt With a Taurus Man Through Eye Contact

Taurus men can be shy sometimes, so try not to come on too strong when flirting with him. Don’t stare at him too much or make your gaze overly intense. That might scare him off! Instead, play it coy. Highlight your eyes and bat your eyelashes. Adopt a softer, more loving gaze when looking his […]

Reasons Why a Scorpio Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

Scorpio men are notorious for having trust issues. They have a deep-seated fear of betrayal. If your Scorpio man has been hurt in a past relationship, his trust issues will be even worse. A Scorpio man is a picky person. He won’t settle. He has no problem being single or having casual relationships until he […]

10 Secrets to Making a Libra Man Miss You (A Lot)

You can make a Libra ex miss you by texting him photos or sweet messages. He’ll be reminded of the good times you have together and miss having you around. If you appreciate a Libra man and give him a lot of attention, he’ll miss that attention when you’re not around. He will likely reach […]

9 Clear Signs a Virgo Man Likes You

Your Virgo man will make it evident that he likes you, even if he’s trying not to. Just pay attention to how he treats you, especially compared to how he treats others. A Virgo man who likes you will reach out to you frequently and want to spend a lot of time with you. He’ll […]

10 Sagittarius Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

Finding a spirit animal doesn’t have to be as complicated as performing a spell or going on a spiritual retreat. You can determine spirit animals by comparing the traits of the zodiac signs to different members of the animal kingdom. Once you know more about the typical Sagittarius characteristics, you will be able to recognize […]