
Zodiac Signs • Page 2

What To Wear To Attract an Aquarius Man? (Dress For Sign)

When dressing for an Aquarius man, make sure you show off your personality. Express yourself and be creative! Your Aquarius man wants to see your sense of fashion, not somebody else’s. Trends aren’t important to Aquarius men. They dress however they want to. You are free to do so as well! Mix and match trends […]

What To Wear To Attract an Aries Man? (Dress For Sign)

An Aries man’s perfect woman knows how to look sharp. He wants a partner to reflect his image and boost his popularity. He is attracted to athletic, sporty styles. The best way to dress for an Aries man is to look your best while also being comfortable. Aries is an active sign. Strive to look […]

Possible Reasons Why a Scorpio Man Stopped Texting You

Your Scorpio man might be giving you the silent treatment. If you two argued or you did something to upset him, that’s his go-to reaction. He will also do this as a way of testing you. A Scorpio man won’t always let you know when he’s upset. He might stop responding to everyone if he’s […]

10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Sagittarius Man (Beware)

If you aren’t close with a Sagittarius man, it will be more difficult to hurt him. He can easily brush off criticism or hurtful comments from someone he doesn’t care about. If he loves you, many things can hurt his feelings. Your Sagittarius man will be upset if you lie to him or try to […]

8 Obvious Signs Leo Man is Not Interested (in You)

Leo is a very charming and friendly sign, so it’s no wonder you might be getting mixed signals from your Leo guy. Is he trying to communicate his interest in you, or is he just flirtatious with everyone? Once you have a better understanding of how the typical Leo thinks and behaves, you will learn […]

How To Flirt With an Aries Man Through Eye Contact

Flirting with an Aries man is easy when you know what to do. Sometimes, you don’t even need to use words! All you need to do is use your eyes. A bold, smoldering look will let an Aries man know you’re interested better than any words you could possibly say. When he feels your gaze […]

What To Wear To Attract a Taurus Man? (Dress For Sign)

You don’t need to have a bunch of flashy clothing to attract a Taurus man. You don’t have to wear a lot of jewelry or makeup. Less is more when it comes to a Taurus man. Many Taurus men have expensive tastes. This doesn’t mean you have to deck yourself in designer gear, though! You […]

10 Suggestions To Stop Virgo Man From Ignoring You

You should always respect a Virgo man’s privacy. If he does need some space, give it to him. He will be less likely to ignore you when he knows you’ll give him the alone time he needs. A Virgo man might start to ignore you if he thinks you’re too pushy or judgmental. Don’t be […]

September Libra vs October Libra

The ruling planets of the other air signs, Aquarius and Gemini, can influence October Libras. This influence gives them a flair that September Libras don’t have, as only Venus influences September Libras. Each sign in the zodiac has three subsections. These are known as decans. Most September Libras are in the first decan of Libra. […]

February Pisces vs March Pisces

Each sign of the zodiac has three subsections. These are called “decans.” February Pisces people are in the first decan. March Pisces people are in the second or third. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces. Each decan of Pisces also has a subruler. The first also has Neptune as its subruler. The second decan of […]