
Zodiac Signs • Page 27

10 Clear Signs a Leo Man is Commitment-Ready

A Leo man will start to show you he’s ready to commit when he stops dating around and deletes his dating apps. If you two weren’t exclusive before, this is a sign he’s ready to date only you. He will also make sure everyone knows that he’s dating you. He’ll make you two “official” on […]

August Virgo vs September Virgo

There are many reasons why people with the same sign might have different personalities. One specific reason why August and September Virgos can be different has to do with planetary rulership. The planet Mercury rules Virgo. August Virgos do not have a subruling planet, while September Virgos have one of two subrulers. Either Saturn or […]

Is Libra Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Are Libra men jealous and possessive when in love? Because of their insecurity, many do feel jealous or possessive now and then. It won’t always be obvious if your Libra man is feeling that way, though. Libra men are social creatures. They love to be around other people. He’s going to understand if you have […]

Quick Guide To Sexually Pleasing a Sagittarius Man (Easily)

If you want to satisfy your Sagittarius man in bed, you’ll need to think outside the box sometimes. You need to be open to having new experiences and constantly mixing things up. You might need to have sex often or have sex for a long time to please a Sagittarius man. He has a high […]

Quick Guide to Turning an Aries Man On (Sexually)

Focus on setting the mood to turn your Aries man on. Give him a massage, find his weak spots, and tease him until he can’t stand it any longer. Flatter your Aries man. Be bold and confident while still letting him take charge. Send seductive texts when you two are apart so you can start […]

Understanding a Distant Sagittarius Man (Why? How To Fix?)

If your Sagittarius man is acting distant, think about what might be happening in his life. He is probably not distancing himself from you specifically if he’s busy with work, out with friends, or has been focused on a hobby. You should also examine your behavior if you think a Sagittarius man is being distant […]

Is Aquarius Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Aquarius men value freedom and independence. This is one of the reasons they don’t tend to get jealous or possessive of their partners. They want their partners to feel free and unconstricted. Aquarius men also don’t always express their feelings. Even if he is jealous, he’s not going to show it to you. He doesn’t […]

Understanding a Distant Libra Man (Why? How To Fix?)

Sometimes, your Libra man will need space. He might also be busy or want to spend time with other people if he’s seen you a lot lately. Show your Libra man that you care about him. Offer support, and apologize if you think you’ve done something wrong. If he does want space, respect that and […]

9 Tips To Seduce a Cancer Man Through Texting

Cancer men can be seduced via text, but it takes a while. You can’t be too seductive or flirtatious with your texting right away! Ease into things. Focus on making your Cancer man feel good. Compliment him often. Send him sweet messages whenever possible. Send playful texts and coy photos. Just don’t take anything too […]

Possible Reasons Why an Aries Man Stopped Texting You

Some Aries men just don’t like texting. If they stop texting you, it’s because they just don’t want to bother communicating via text. Aries men will also stop texting if they are busy or focused on other tasks. If he’s stopped texting, don’t freak out right away. Give it a few days and see if […]