
10 Virgo Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

Updated February 26, 2025

If you want to know the Virgo animal, you need to look no further than the stars.

How can astrology reveal this zodiac sign’s spirit animal?

When you’re wondering what animal represents Virgo the best, all you have to do is compare the typical Virgo traits with the characteristics of different animals.

When you see similarities between the sign and the animal, it could be a spiritual match.

By gaining a deeper understanding of this star sign, you will be able to recognize the Virgo spirit animals.


Virgo animal vulture

Vultures often get an unfair reputation as being harbingers of doom because when you see a group of vultures circling in the sky, it means they have found a dead body to feast upon.

A group of vultures is even called a wake, named after the human tradition of gathering to view a person’s body after death.

But vultures are very necessary and practical members of the animal kingdom because they are the cleaners of nature.

Most carnivores only eat live prey. This is their instinct as dead animals could carry diseases that could harm or kill the predator if consumed.

But the vulture can handle meat that has been dead for a while, so they clean up the mess for everyone else.

The vulture is the Virgo man’s animal because, like the vulture, Virgos aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and do tasks that others refuse to do.

They are endlessly practical and can detach themselves emotionally from the most grueling and demanding jobs.

This is why many Virgos enter the medical field. The blood and gore that makes others squeamish doesn’t bother them, and they won’t let their fears stop them from helping other people.

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Virgo animal koala

The koala is an adorable, furry marsupial that spends its days scaling trees and munching eucalyptus leaves.

As a spirit animal, the koala stands for kindness, tranquility, calmness, and family. It is one of Virgo’s spirit animals because of its easy-going nature.

Virgos tend to go with the flow, rarely confronting others or making a fuss. This is likely because Virgo is one of the mutable signs of the zodiac.

Every sign has one of three modalities: cardinal, mutable, or fixed. The modalities tell us how the signs deal with problems and interact with the world.

Mutable signs are laid-back and tend to go along with what everyone else is doing. They don’t question authority or try to change the systems that are already in place.

They are excellent negotiators and make friends easily because they are so patient and accommodating. These qualities make the koala and Virgo a perfect spiritual match.


Virgo animal cat

The cat is a Virgo woman’s animal because the cat is a symbol of independence, curiosity, and elegance, which are all traits that Virgos possess.

Cats have long been domesticated as pets, but they are nothing like their common rival, the dog.

While dogs are devoted and chase after their owners, wanting to be by their side at all times, cats aren’t nearly as needy and affectionate.

Cats only come out to play with their human companions when they feel like it, especially as a means to get food or a massage in return.

Dogs are also considered altruistic, protecting their owners at all costs, while cats take care of themselves. They are self-reliant and put their own needs first.

Virgo is like a cat because this zodiac sign is very self-sufficient and independent. They don’t need a romantic partner and would rather be alone than settle for a companion who doesn’t meet their standards.

They also dislike asking for help, preferring to do everything on their own. Sometimes, Virgo’s self-sufficiency is to their detriment because they tend to exhaust themselves since they won’t ask for assistance when they need it.

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Virgo animal camel

The camel is a creature that has a special ability that helps it survive in hot, arid climates. Camels can drink up to twenty gallons of water at a time, storing it in their bodies for when water is scarce.

It is commonly thought that camels store water in the distinctive humps on their backs, but this isn’t the case. Camels can store water throughout their bodies thanks to their oval-shaped blood cells.

The camel is a Virgo animal spirit because, like the camel, Virgo is always prepared. Virgos can be quite negative and tend to catastrophize.

But their pessimism combined with their practicality makes them always prepare for the worst. Virgos are rarely taken off guard by misfortune or disaster because they are always a few steps ahead of everyone else.

Virgos always have a healthy savings account in case of a financial emergency. They are the types of people who stock their cars with water bottles, snacks, and tools in case they get stranded on the side of the road.

They are the people you want to turn to in a crisis because they already have a plan in place and can handle any situation.


Virgo animal deer

Every zodiac sign has a unique symbol that embodies the typical characteristics of that sign. Most of the zodiac symbols are creatures, which is very helpful in determining spirit animals.

Virgo is one of the only zodiac signs that does not have an animal as its symbol. Instead, Virgo is symbolized by the human virgin.

As the sign of the virgin, some of the Virgo traits include innocence, purity, kindness, and sensitivity. We can match these traits to a member of the animal kingdom to find the Virgo animal symbol.

As a spirit animal, the deer represents gentleness, grace, and innocence. These are many of the same qualities that the virgin symbolizes, making the deer an ideal spiritual match for Virgo.

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Virgo animal squirrel

Squirrels are adorable little woodland creatures with furry bodies and bushy tails, but don’t let their sweet appearance fool you.

Squirrels are quite crafty, as evidenced by the way they store up nuts for the winter. But the brilliance of the squirrel isn’t in their planning abilities.

The intellect of the squirrel is apparent in the way they trick other squirrels by creating fake hoards where they place just a few acorns.

That way, if any other squirrels are watching in the hope of breaking in and stealing the food, the real store of nuts will remain safely hidden away.

The squirrel matches the Virgo personality because, like squirrels, Virgos plan ahead, and they are exceptionally clever.

The zodiac sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, logic, and intellect. Thanks to Mercury’s influence, Virgos are highly intelligent, much like the crafty squirrel.


Virgo animal mouse

The mouse is a tiny, timid little rodent that is often the victim of larger animals. They are just the right size to make a tasty snack for predators.

Spiritually, the mouse represents caution and alertness. Those born under the Virgo horoscope sign possess similar qualities.

As the sign of the virgin, Virgos can be quite shy and anxious. They are the wallflowers standing in the corner at parties, waiting for someone to talk to them yet fearing being approached at the same time.

The timidity of the mouse makes this creature the ideal Virgo symbol.

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Virgo animal jellyfish

The jellyfish is an unusual-looking aquatic creature with a soft, bulbous body with long tendrils hanging down.

Although these animals are beautiful and awe-inspiring, they are surprisingly dangerous. Their tentacles contain venom that stings anyone who touches them.

While Virgo is generally a sweet and gentle sign, it’s a bad idea to make a Virgo angry. When provoked, a Virgo will give you a vicious tongue lashing as painful as the jellyfish’s sting.

A Virgo’s attack can be so quick and ferocious that you won’t know what hit you, just as if you brushed against a jellyfish’s tentacles in the water.


Virgo animal owl

The owl has long been a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect, it makes sense that the owl is one of this zodiac sign’s animals.

Virgos are very clever and good at solving problems. They can detach emotionally from a situation to see all perspectives, and they dispense excellent advice.

If they don’t know the answer to a question, they will tirelessly research until they have found a solution. They are naturally curious and enjoy learning new things.

As smart and practical problem-solvers, Virgo matches the wise owl perfectly.

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Virgo animal bee

Bees are considered one of the most industrious members of the animal kingdom. Bees work tirelessly as a team to build hives, make honey, and take care of their queen.

They are organized and efficient, dividing tasks to work better together as a group. Virgos are similarly hard-working and they make excellent team members.

If you are a manager or business owner, you want a Virgo employee because these signs are diligent and do every task to the best of their ability.

They are perfectionists who won’t settle for an unfinished or poorly completed job. They are accommodating and enjoy supporting their coworkers.

The busy, diligent bee makes the ideal spirit animal for the hard-working and helpful Virgo zodiac sign.

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