
April Taurus vs May Taurus

Updated February 5, 2025

April Taurus and May Taurus people may both be born under the sign of Taurus, but they aren’t always the same.

An April Taurus might have more stereotypical Taurus traits than a May Taurus. This doesn’t mean that they are “more” Taurus, though!

One of the reasons why April Taurus and May Taurus are different is related to planetary rulership. May Tauruses are influenced by planets that don’t influence April Tauruses.

Some of the differences between April Tauruses and May Tauruses are very obvious, while others are more subtle.

The difference between “stable” and “structured” might not be huge, but “pleasure-seeking” and “disciplined” are very different!

This does not mean that a May Taurus will never have the same traits as an April Taurus. An April Taurus is more likely to have extreme versions of typical Taurus traits.

Venus vs Mercury & Saturn

Why are there different kinds of Tauruses? Planetary rulership is one reason for the differences between April Tauruses and May Tauruses.

Why are April and May Tauruses different? Taurus, like all zodiac signs, is divided into three subsections. These are called decans, and each decan has a different subruler.

The planet that rules Taurus is Venus, the planet of love. The influence of Venus gives Taurus its sensual, romantic personality.

All April Tauruses are in the first decan of Taurus. The subruler of this decan is also Venus, so there is no additional planet influencing the first decan Taurus people. This decan is also called the “Taurus” decan or “Venus” decan.

The second decan of Taurus is the “Virgo” or “Mercury” decan. As the name suggests, Mercury is the subruler of this decan. These May Taurus people might be more intellectual or communicative.

The third decan of Taurus is the “Capricorn” or “Saturn” decan. Saturn is the subruler for this decan. All Tauruses are hardworking, but the influence of Saturn makes these May Taurus people even more hardworking and responsible.

Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in.

Pleasure-Seeking vs Disciplined

Some April Taurus and May Taurus differences are more pronounced than others. April Tauruses can sometimes be overly pleasure-seeking, while May Tauruses are more disciplined.

Taurus loves the finer things in life. They are hard workers, but they also know how to take a break and focus on self-care.

April Taurus people are often why Taurus gets a bad rap for being lazy. Taurus people are not lazy! April Tauruses are just pleasure-seeking individuals.

An April Taurus wants to experience all the best things life offers. They want to feel good as often as possible.

April Tauruses are more likely to take this pleasure-seeking behavior to the extreme. They might ignore other responsibilities in favor of living a luxurious life.

A May Taurus, on the other hand, is far more disciplined. All May Taurus people have a lot of discipline, though the ones in the third decan are the most disciplined.

A May Taurus knows that they cannot always sit back and enjoy themselves. They have a lot of work to do, and they will finish it all before they even think about indulging themselves.

May Taurus people do know how to relax, in contrast to a Capricorn. They know when the time to work is and when it’s okay to sit back for a while.

Sensual vs Logical

Is an April or May Taurus better? Neither is better than the other. Even if they can be different, both have wonderful personality traits.

April Taurus people are highly sensual. They know how to experience life to the fullest and enjoy the world around them.

An April Taurus enjoys good food. They are often excellent cooks and enjoy sharing their love of food with other people.

April Taurus people also enjoy fine perfume, art, poetry, and everything else beautiful in the world. They are connoisseurs of all things that are pleasing to the senses.

An April Taurus is likely an excellent lover as well. Their sensuality and passion for life can be seen in the bedroom.

May Tauruses are more logical than April Tauruses. They can see the beauty in the world, just in a different way than an April Taurus does.

A May Taurus will not simply give in to all their whims. They will think things through first! May Taurus people will not indulge their sensual side if they cannot rationalize doing so.

May Tauruses are often better at problem-solving than April Tauruses. They know how to look at a situation in a detached, logical manner. They might not be as in touch with their emotions, but they are great people to go to when you have a problem.

This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you.

Stubborn To A Fault vs Adaptable

The symbol for Taurus is a bull, so stubbornness is a prevalent Taurus personality trait, whether a Taurus is born in April or May.

The April Taurus personality is often stubborn to a fault. On the other hand, the May Taurus personality is often more adaptable, even if they are stubborn sometimes.

April Taurus people are the ones who will absolutely not back down during an argument. The more you push them, the more they push back!

An April Taurus will refuse to admit when they are wrong, even if they know it. They will sit there and defend an incorrect viewpoint until they are red in the face.

April Tauruses often have a hard time compromising. This can make relationships difficult for them at times. They have to focus on learning how to compromise to make their relationships better.

May Taurus people can be more adaptable. They can still be stubborn, but they know when to back down.

A May Taurus knows how to pick their battles. They can also be appealed to with logic. If a May Taurus is wrong and you rationally explain why they are wrong, they’ll be willing to concede.

Expensive Taste vs Practical Taste

One of the similarities between April and May Tauruses is that they both have great taste. All Tauruses want to look their best.

All Taurus people may enjoy fine clothing. They know how to dress to impress and won’t hesitate to do so.

The difference between an April Taurus and a May Taurus is that the refined taste of a May Taurus is more practical, while an April Taurus has expensive taste.

An April Taurus might purchase an outfit because it is a designer brand with a high price tag. They want to impress everyone around them by seeming prestigious and successful.

A May Taurus might like designer brands, but they aren’t going to purchase them if they are beyond their means.

May Taurus people are practical. They know that they can’t always have the latest, most expensive things. If they can afford them, great! If not, they can just as easily find an impressive outfit that isn’t a designer brand.

A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

Materialistic vs Thrifty

What’s the difference between April and May Taurus? One key difference is how they spend money.

Loving the finer things in life can be an April and May Taurus characteristic. However, May Tauruses tend to be better at budgeting and only splurging when they can truly afford to.

An April Taurus might have trouble with impulse control at times. If they want a new watch or a trip to the spa, they will give in to their whims.

Money is significant to an April Taurus. They want to seem wealthy, even if they aren’t. Possessions are also important to them. An April Taurus always wants to be seen with the latest gadgets.

April Taurus can let their materialism get them in trouble. They won’t think twice about overspending if they want something. They are not always good at waiting for what they want.

May Taurus people are more thrifty. They are great at sticking to a budget. Money, success, and possessions might be important to them, but they aren’t going to break the bank to get what they want.

A May Taurus will not often live beyond their means. They are as wealthy as they seem. An April Taurus might appear to be rich when they aren’t.

Stable vs Structured

Some April Taurus and May Taurus traits aren’t that different. The differences are more subtle.

April Taurus people crave stability. Taurus is a fixed sign, which means they are very resistant to change. An April Taurus person will likely fall into a routine and refuse to get out of it for their comfort.

May Taurus people are more structured. This might not seem that different from being stable, but it can be in practice.

A May Taurus is great at scheduling and planning. They are good with finances because they budget everything before spending a single cent.

May Tauruses are better at breaking from their routine because they can easily plan it all out. An April Taurus might feel unstable if they deviate from their routine, so they will never plan on doing so.

An April Taurus might also need to get stability from other people. For example, they may feel unstable when they aren’t in a relationship. A May Taurus creates their own stability.

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