To a Capricorn man, mind games are a red flag. You risk the relationship if you toy with his mind.
Never betray his trust if you want to keep him happy. Only play mind games if you want revenge.
If you want to play mind games with a Capricorn man, the easiest way to mess with him is to threaten his security. He needs to be able to trust you.
If he catches you playing games, a Capricorn man will end all communication immediately. But you can make him feel unsettled if it’s worth the risk.
Playing mind games with Capricorn has nothing to do with hurting his feelings. Capricorn men aren’t emotional. The worst mind games for him involve betraying his trust.
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Make Him Jealous
A Capricorn man will feel insulted if you make him jealous. To make him envious, you can flirt with other guys. But he may explain this away if he trusts you.
The best way to make a Capricorn man jealous is to be more successful in your career than he is. He’ll be jealous if you get the promotion he wanted or get a raise when he hasn’t had one.
Capricorn men want security. They are also materialistic. He’ll feel envious if you have a newer car, a bigger house, or even if your stock investments are doing better than his.
If you want to play mind games with him, flaunt your success at every opportunity. If he only hears about it in passing, he may rationalize it away. To get to a Capricorn man, remind him how well you are doing.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Waste His Money
Another way to play mind games with him is to waste his money. Capricorn men are frugal and obsessed with finances. He hates the idea of wasting money.
Being frivolous with his finances is one of the best ways to mess with a Capricorn man’s mind. He wants to treat you to a good time but also keeps an eye on his bottom line.
Make it difficult for him to balance his finances while satisfying your expensive tastes. If you want to upset him, tell him something is wrong with a gift he gives you.
When he spends money to take you on vacation, act as if you’re not having a good time but don’t tell him why. The uncertainty will get under his skin. He will try to avoid losing his temper.
Capricorn would rather solve a problem than throw a fit. But if he can’t figure out how to make you happy, especially while spending money, a Capricorn man will feel defeated. He’ll ruminate on what he could be doing wrong.
How does a Capricorn man test a woman? He takes her to a fancy restaurant and tells her she can order anything. If she chooses the cheapest thing on the menu, he loses interest.
He’ll be turned off if she chooses the most expensive item. But if she opts for something moderately priced, she passes the test. This is the way he evaluates whether a woman will waste his money.
If you want to play with his mind, order as much as possible but then refuse to eat most of it. Better yet, keep complaining about your food and sending it back to the kitchen.
Show Up Late
If you want to take a risk to play with a Capricorn man’s mind, ignore the time. Show up late to a date or important meeting. Keep him waiting on you. Capricorn men are sticklers for timeliness.
A man born under this sign feels personally insulted when others are late. You can set your clock by a Capricorn man, and if you don’t show the same obsession with time, he will become agitated.
Don’t bother to text or call when you’re running late. Keep him guessing as to whether you’re standing him up. This will make a Capricorn man lose his mind. He hates suspense and takes your word as a solid promise.
When you say you’ll be somewhere at a specific time, he thinks of this as a promise set in stone. If you are careless about timelines, he will think you have no respect for him.
When a Capricorn man respects you and you don’t stick to a schedule, he wonders if his judgment was off. This adds to the mind games because he second-guesses you and himself.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Capricorn man.
Compete with Him
Turn your relationship into a race. If you want to play mind games with a Capricorn man, compete with him. Try to outdo him at work or in finances. Turn every conversation into a competition.
When he brings up a problem, try to “one up” him. Tell him about how your situation is worse when he complains. When he brags, tell him a story of how your accomplishments are better than his.
If you want to make him lose his mind, instead of collaborating with him as a partner, always aim to be a step ahead of him. If you work together, get your projects finished before he does.
If you know his friends, win them over. Make them like you more than they like him. If you want to mess with his mind, become best friends with his parents and other family members.
You’ve got to know how to beat a Capricorn man at his own game. He craves security and finds this through success in his career and finances. If you show him up continually, you win the game.
Break Your Promises
Capricorn men take promises to heart. If you want to hurt him and play with his mind, break a promise on purpose. Capricorns can’t comprehend why someone would do this.
He’ll question his ability to trust you. Only break a promise to a Capricorn man if you are ready to mess with his head but risk losing him. He may not come back if he doesn’t think he can trust you.
Give him no logical reason why you reneged on your word. Make him second guess everything you’ve ever said to him. A Capricorn man will become anxious when he realizes he can’t trust you.
A Capricorn man secretly in love with you will be devastated when you break your promises to him. Save this tactic for situations where you are willing to risk him leaving and never coming back.
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Change Your Mind
The most effective way to mess with his mind is to intentionally break promises. But you don’t have to be so obvious. Even if you change your mind, your Capricorn man will go crazy.
He expects you to be consistent and reliable. If you say one thing one day but then have a change of heart, he will feel unsettled. He’ll become resentful but won’t want to say anything to you about it.
On one level, he knows it’s ridiculous to get mad at someone for changing their mind. But on the other hand, he can’t help it. Capricorn men crave predictability. If you change your mind, he feels out of control.
If you change your mind too much, you’ll see signs a Capricorn man is not into you. Even if it seemed like everything was going well before, men born under this sign can’t stand inconsistency.
Send a Capricorn man mixed signals only if you aren’t afraid of losing him. He’ll either become more attentive to win you over, or he’ll ghost you.
Act Rebellious
Traditional Capricorn men are conformists. They like to do their work diligently behind the scenes. The last thing a Capricorn wants is drama. If you are a rebel, you’ll mess with his head.
One of the most potent ways to upset him is to break traditions. If you rebel against the status quo, you’ll confuse and frustrate him. He wants you to act and think a certain way.
But if you are freethinking, innovative, and outspoken, he will feel conflicted. He may want to be with you but he can’t tolerate drama. He is intimidated by an unconventional woman.
One of the signs a Capricorn man cares for you is if he sticks with you even when you are dramatic and eccentric. If you rebel against the status quo and he doesn’t leave you, he’s in love.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic)
Criticize His Family
If you want a Capricorn man to feel secure with you, make his family a priority. But if you want to play with his mind, make him feel like he has to choose where he places his loyalties.
Criticize his family, especially his parents. Capricorn men go mad when someone makes fun of their family. They have to protect their family’s reputation and make excuses for them.
On the other hand, if a Capricorn man likes you and sees you are not happy with his family, he feels torn. He doesn’t want to lose you but also can’t tolerate someone criticizing his family.
He feels he has to come to their defense. In the end, he always chooses family over a partner. Only use this tactic if you are ready to risk losing him. You can also keep your criticism subtle or passive-aggressive.
A Capricorn man testing loyalty may ask you what you think of his family. He expects you to say nice things. When you complain about them, he is taken by surprise.
One of the signs a Capricorn man is obsessed with you is when he includes you in family traditions. He loves you if he knows you have problems with his family but invites you to their events anyway.
Act Ungrateful
Gratitude is big on a Capricorn man’s list. If you want to mess with his mind, be ungrateful. If you’ve had a good connection but suddenly you start acting as if nothing he does is good enough, he’ll feel confused.
Any sudden changes throw a Capricorn man off, but a shift to ungratefulness will confuse him more than anything else. He’ll feel guilty initially, wondering if he hasn’t done enough for you.
Then he will want to make it up to you by doing even more for you. He will become frustrated only when it becomes clear to him that you are not grateful no matter what he does.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic)
Break His Belongings
One of the best ways to mess with his mind is to break his belongings. Capricorn men are collectors. They are obsessed with material things. If you pretend you broke something of his by accident, he will try to be understanding.
But deep inside, he’ll want to scream. He won’t be able to deal with his conflicted feelings. A Capricorn man loves his stuff but also doesn’t want to lose control of his emotions.
He’ll feel unsettled around you even if he thinks you broke something accidentally. He’ll wonder if he can trust you in his home or car. He may try to follow you around to ensure you don’t bump into anything.
One of the signs a Capricorn man is serious about you is when you break something of his, and he forgives you. If he genuinely isn’t angry, it means he cares about you.
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