
10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Pisces Man (Beware)

Updated February 23, 2025

Hurting a Pisces man is easy when you know his insecurities. Many Pisces men are sensitive and emotional people.

A Pisces man will be distraught if someone he cares about tries to hurt him. It will sting more when a loved one insults him or betrays him.

You can hurt a Pisces man by betraying his trust. Ignoring a Pisces man or criticizing him can also deeply upset him. This is especially true if he cares about you.

Pisces men are forgiving people. If you accidentally hurt a Pisces man, he’ll forgive you for almost anything. Just apologize, and you two will be able to get through whatever happened.

Many Pisces men are easily taken advantage of because of their passive and amiable nature. He’ll be hurt if someone he trusts takes him for granted, tries to control him, or disrespects his feelings.

1. Betray Him

If you are dating a Pisces man, you know that he loves people with all his heart. Pisces men are incredibly loyal to their partners, and they expect loyalty in return.

A Pisces man will be hurt if you betray him. A partner being unfaithful is one of the worst things that can happen to a sensitive Pisces man.

Your Pisces man will likely blame himself for your betrayal. Rather than becoming angry, he will sink into a depression. He might think he wasn’t good enough for you or that he wasn’t a good partner to you.

A Pisces man might forgive you if you cheat on him, but things won’t be the same afterward. He may become depressed any time he sees you talking to another man. He will wonder if you’ll betray him again in the future.

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2. Play On His Insecurities

It is easy to hurt a Pisces man if you know him well. You will likely know what his specific insecurities or fears are. If you play on a Pisces man’s insecurities, you’ll be able to hurt him quickly and efficiently.

He won’t just be hurt because you’re picking at something he’s insecure about. He will be hurt because he trusted you, and you’re using that trust against him.

Is a Pisces man sensitive? He is. He likely has a lot of insecurities, especially if he has been hurt by loved ones before.

When a Pisces man opens up about his insecurities, it’s because he trusts you. He is connecting with you and being vulnerable. He will feel betrayed if you use that information to hurt him.

If you don’t want to hurt your Pisces man, be careful with anything you know he’s insecure about.

3. Criticize Him

How do you hurt a Pisces man? One way you can do this is by criticizing him. Pisces men do not handle criticism well, especially from people close to them.

A Pisces man is sensitive. If someone he cares about makes judgmental comments about him, that will upset him.

Your Pisces man is likely not looking for criticism if he shares his art or something else he’s worked on with you. He enjoys sharing his hobbies with other people. He might even be looking for praise.

You can hurt a Pisces man’s feelings by criticizing something he’s created. Even if it’s a minor criticism, he will likely become upset unless he specifically asks for constructive criticism.

A Pisces man will also be hurt if you make judgmental comments about how he dresses or specific aspects of his personality.

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4. Ignore Him

When a Pisces man is upset about something else, he might come to you for support. You will hurt his feelings if you ignore him and aren’t there to support him.

Pisces men can be clingy at times. If you are dating a Pisces man, he’ll want to spend a lot of time with you! He’ll be sad if you constantly ignore him.

Your Pisces man will wonder if he did something wrong when you ignore him. He will be confused if you ignore him for seemingly no reason, and he will likely make up a reason.

If you want to know how to deal with a hurt Pisces man, you can often make him feel better by giving him attention and affection. If you didn’t mean to hurt your Pisces man, some attention is often all it takes to cheer him up.

5. Don’t Appreciate Him

Pisces men are used to being taken for granted and unappreciated. They are affectionate, generous people, and unfortunately, they don’t only show this generosity to people who deserve it.

Your Pisces man will be hurt if you don’t appreciate anything he does for you. If he loves you, he will likely help you and support you all he can.

A Pisces man doesn’t usually expect anything in return for his generosity. He will be perfectly content with a simple thank you most of the time.

He will start to feel down if the relationship seems one-sided, though. If he offers you emotional support and you blow him off when he needs help, he’ll feel like you’re using him.

If you don’t want to hurt your Pisces man, appreciate him! If he does you a favor, let him know how grateful you are. Try to do favors for him as well.

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6. Turn Down His Ideas

Pisces men are imaginative people. They have a lot of ideas, and they love to share them with the people they care about.

A Pisces man’s ideas might not always be realistic, of course. You can gently tell him that his idea is great but not what you’re looking for if you don’t want to hurt his feelings.

If you turn down all your Pisces man’s ideas, regardless of whether or not they are feasible, he’ll be hurt. He will feel like you don’t respect him or value his opinions.

Your Pisces man will understand that you can’t always implement his ideas. He knows that not every solution he comes up with will be the best. He at least wants you to hear him out, though.

There will be times where you have to turn down your Pisces man’s ideas, of course. If you insult him and tell him the idea is stupid instead of being gentle, his feelings will be hurt.

7. Control Him

Some Pisces men are easily controlled. Many of them have more passive personalities. They also tend to be people-pleasers.

When a Pisces man loves you, he trusts that you won’t try to control him. He expects that any partner who cares about him will respect him and let him live his own life.

Your Pisces man will be hurt if you betray his trust. If you always boss him around or try to force him to do what you want, he’ll be miserable with your relationship.

Pisces men are free-spirits. They march to the beat of their own drum. If you try to make your Pisces man be someone he’s not, he’ll feel disrespected.

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8. Take Advantage Of Him

Some Pisces men are easily taken advantage of. They trust too easily. It hurts them deeply every time they place their trust in the wrong person and are taken advantage of.

Do Pisces men forgive people who hurt them? Most of the time, they do. Sometimes, they forgive people who honestly don’t deserve their forgiveness.

If you take advantage of your Pisces man’s forgiving nature, you’ll hurt him. If he forgives you for doing something to hurt him, he’ll expect you to change your future.

You will upset your Pisces man if you continue to cheat on him, betray his trust, or do anything else he’s previously forgiven you for.

Your Pisces man will also be hurt if you use him. You’ll make him miserable if you’re just in the relationship for sex, money, etc.

9. Insult His Friends

What hurts a Pisces man? Sometimes, you don’t need to hurt him directly. You can get to him by insulting or hurting people he cares about.

Pisces men care deeply about their friends. They are happy when their partners get along with their loved ones.

You will hurt your Pisces man’s feelings if you insult his friends. He might feel like he is torn between you and his friends if you don’t get along with them.

Argue with his friends if you want to get under a Pisces man’s skin. Be rude to them and refuse to play nice. Make sure your Pisces man knows just how much you dislike the other people in his life.

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10. Don’t Respect His Feelings

How do Pisces men act when upset? They will often become highly emotional. You can further hurt a Pisces man by invalidating those emotions.

If a Pisces man is emotional and you don’t respect those feelings, he will likely become even more upset.

You will hurt your Pisces man if you tell him to just get over something. If he cries about something and you tell him he’s being ridiculous, he’ll feel like you don’t care about him.

You can also hurt your Pisces man by directly insulting the way he shows his emotions. If you belittle him and tell him he’s too emotional, he’ll definitely feel like you don’t respect him or his feelings.

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