Hurting a Virgo man might seem like it would be difficult. Virgo men are not outwardly emotional.
You can hurt them, though. A Virgo man might not always show you, but you can hurt him deeply if you do certain things to him.
Virgo men are highly critical of others, but they hate it when people criticize them. A Virgo man will be hurt if someone close to him criticizes him. He’ll hate being judged by somebody whose opinion he values.
A Virgo man will also be hurt if you mess with his space or spill his secrets. These acts will make him feel insecure and like his boundaries have been violated.
You will also upset a Virgo man if you tell him he’s not important to you or that you don’t care about his opinion.
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1. Criticize Him
If you want to know how to hurt a Virgo man’s ego, the easiest way is to criticize him constantly.
He might ignore your criticisms if you two aren’t close. If you criticize him enough, though, you might start to chip away at his confidence whether he cares about your opinion or not.
Virgo men are hypocrites when it comes to criticism. They will criticize and judge people all day long. A Virgo man can’t handle it when other people criticize him back!
He will be more hurt if you’re someone he’s close to. If a Virgo man values your opinion, he’ll take your criticisms to heart.
Your Virgo man will be hurt if you accidentally criticize him, but he’ll forgive you. He’ll feel betrayed if you constantly criticize him on purpose.
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2. Ruin His Public Image
If he’s done something to hurt you, one of the best ways to get revenge on a Virgo man is to ruin his public image.
The easiest way to do this is to tell mutual friends about anything wrong your Virgo man has done. If all your friends see him as kind and generous, but he’s constantly rude to you, tell them every mean thing he says to you.
If a Virgo man told you a secret that makes him look bad, tell that secret to other people.
You might work with a Virgo man who is always taking credit for the work you two did together. Make sure everyone at the office knows he’s lying about how much work he’s doing. This will ruin his image at the office.
It might be difficult to ruin a Virgo man’s public image if you have no dirt on him. Don’t tell lies, even if you’re tempted to. You don’t want to ruin your public image if people find out the truth.
3. Betray Him
If a Virgo man is upset, he won’t always show it. Many Virgo men are good at hiding their feelings. Your Virgo man will have a hard time hiding his feelings if you betray him, though.
You can betray a Virgo man by not being faithful in a relationship. You can also betray him by spilling his secrets, purposely ruining something he cares about, or talking about him behind his back.
Virgo men take betrayal seriously. He will have a hard time getting over anything he considers a huge betrayal. Don’t betray a Virgo man’s trust unless you’re prepared to deal with severe consequences.
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4. Mess With His Space
When a Virgo man is hurt, he will often withdraw into his space to calm down. He can’t do this if you’ve done something to mess up his home.
If you’re at his house, mess with his things. Virgo men are often particular about where everything in their house goes. Move things around. You don’t have to make a huge mess to make him feel uncomfortable.
He will be hurt when he knows that you don’t respect his space. Your Virgo man will feel stressed out when his home isn’t the way he likes it.
You can also hurt your Virgo man more by not respecting his boundaries. Leaving a Virgo man alone is usually the best thing to do if he’s upset. Invade his personal space and don’t allow him to have the alone time he needs.
5. Make Him Feel Insecure
Virgo men crave security and stability, especially in relationships. Your Virgo man will be hurt if you do something to make him feel insecure.
You can make your Virgo man feel insecure in your relationship by being unreliable. Virgo men are punctual people and expect punctuality from others.
Cancel on plans at the last minute or constantly show up late to dates. Being unreliable will make your Virgo man feel like you don’t value him or his time.
You’ll hurt your Virgo man if he feels like he can’t rely on you. Ignore him when he needs you to be there for him.
You can also make a Virgo man feel insecure about himself by constantly making disparaging comments. He’ll start to feel insecure about his looks if you’re always picking at him and criticizing his appearance.
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6. Deny His Intelligence
Virgo men feel confident about their intellect. They are used to people thinking they’re intelligent. If you want to hurt a Virgo man’s feelings, tell him you don’t think he’s smart.
You can outright tell a Virgo man that you think something he said is stupid. You don’t have to do this to make him doubt his intelligence, though.
Constantly correct him when he’s talking about something. Point out every minor mistake your Virgo man makes.
If he misspeaks, explicitly correct him. If you are texting with a Virgo man and he makes a typo, point it out.
A Virgo man won’t always be hurt by one negative comment about his intelligence. If you’re someone he cares about, he will be hurt if you constantly make him feel stupid.
7. Spill His Secrets
Virgo men are private people. They like to socialize and be around other people, but they don’t want to reveal their inner selves to everyone.
Your Virgo will feel deeply hurt if you betray his confidence. When he tells you secrets, those secrets are meant only for you.
Spilling secrets is a common way that people accidentally hurt Virgo men. You might not think something your Virgo man told you was a secret. If you bring it up to one of your friends, your Virgo man will be hurt if he finds out.
If you’re trying to hurt a Virgo man, spill his secrets to mutual friends. He’ll be upset that you betrayed his trust. He may also be embarrassed, depending on what the secrets are.
Be careful with this. Once you spill a Virgo man’s secrets, he’ll stop trusting you with them.
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8. Tell Him He’s Not Important
Virgo men don’t have a huge sense of self-importance. Many are actually insecure about themselves, even if they hide it well.
Your Virgo man might seem self-righteous or self-obsessed. This is often an act to hide how bad his self-image is.
You will hurt your Virgo man if you tell him he’s not important to you.
You don’t always have to come out and say, “You’re not important,” to make a Virgo man feel like he’s not. You can easily tell him you don’t care about him with your actions.
He won’t feel important when you don’t respect his time. Your Virgo man will feel unimportant if you constantly show up late to meet him or don’t show up at all.
A Virgo man will also feel unimportant if you are always helping others out but refuse to offer him the same help. If he needs you and you’re not there, he’ll feel like he doesn’t matter.
9. Don’t Appreciate Him
How do you hurt a Virgo man? Be ungrateful when he does something for you. Don’t appreciate anything he does to show you that he cares.
Virgo men don’t always expect anything in return when they do something for a person they care about. Your Virgo man is generous with you because he cares about you.
You will hurt a Virgo man’s feelings if you never show him any appreciation. A Virgo man will feel like you don’t care about him if you never even say thank you.
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10. Ignore Him
Virgo men don’t need a lot of attention as a Leo man might. However, if you ignore a Virgo man when he needs you, he will be hurt.
A Virgo man might be upset if he’s talking to you about something he cares about and you don’t listen. It will make him feel bad to know that you don’t care about what he has to say.
What happens when you ignore a Virgo man? He will try to be understanding. If he sees you’re busy, he’ll try to talk to you later. He will start to feel hurt if you are constantly ignoring him.
If a Virgo man is not texting you back, this might make you feel like he doesn’t care. Give him a taste of his own medicine and refuse to respond even when he texts you about something important. Ignore his calls as well.
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