A Leo man’s silent treatment happens for many different reasons. Some of them have nothing to do with you or how he feels about you.
Regardless of the reason, it’s best to remain calm and just focus on yourself. Don’t let it get to you.
Leo men don’t always deal with their emotions well. If he’s upset, he might withdraw from the people around him. He doesn’t always reach out for help or support when he’s going through something.
Try not to get mad at him when he’s ignoring you. If he’s not doing it on purpose or if he’s going through something, your anger won’t help the situation.
Don’t get upset. Keep communication open but stay busy. He will come back on his own when and if he wants to. If not, try to move on.
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Give Him Space
When a Leo man goes quiet, sometimes it’s because he needs space from you.
A Leo man distancing himself isn’t always a bad thing. He might be confused about your relationship and need time to think. He might just be having a rare moment where he wants some alone time.
If a Leo man is dealing with something personal, he might withdraw. Leos don’t always like talking about their emotions or reaching out to others for support.
Whether he needs space from you or just space in general, give it to him. Respect his boundaries and let him have the time he needs to think or to get over whatever is bothering him.
If he’s considering whether or not he wants to be in a relationship with you, you definitely want to give him space.
He might decide that he doesn’t want to get into a serious relationship with you if he thinks that you won’t respect his boundaries or if he thinks you’re overbearing.
A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
Don’t Bother Him
If a Leo man is not responding when you try to make plans with him, don’t continue to bother him.
He won’t be too bothered if you send a follow-up text after he doesn’t reply to your first one. If he just missed the first one, he’ll likely be glad that you reached out.
If he hasn’t responded after the second or third attempt to contact him, he’s ignoring you. Continuing to message him won’t do any good.
He might think you’re being too clingy or that you’re not being respectful of the fact that he’s busy.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment because you did something to upset him, seeing constant messages from you might just make him angry.
Let him be. If you’ve reached out a couple of times, the ball is in his court. He’ll respond if he wants to.
Stay Busy
When a Leo man is done with you for good, he might show that by ghosting you. This is especially true if you two have only been on a couple of dates or have just been talking.
If you think this has happened, do what you can to keep yourself busy. You don’t need to put your life on hold for somebody who might not even come back to you.
Hang out with other friends. If you’re not in an exclusive relationship with your Leo man, go on dates with other people.
Have fun! Don’t let his silent treatment get you down. There’s no point in waiting around for him to reply when you’ve got a whole life to live.
When you’re keeping busy, you won’t even notice he’s giving you the silent treatment. You’ll be too busy having fun with your friends to think about the fact that he’s not replying to your messages.
He might see that you’re out having fun, especially if you post photos online. This might make him miss you and end his silent treatment.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Focus on Yourself
If a Leo man is giving you mixed signals, it’s usually best to step back a bit and focus on yourself.
If you have been spending a lot of time with a Leo man lately, he may just need a break. Take this time to do some things by yourself.
Practice some self-care. Go to the spa. Go see a movie that you’ve been wanting to see. You don’t need to wait around for your Leo man to do that.
If your Leo man is giving you the silent treatment because you two fought, reflect on what you did to upset him. You can use this time to work on yourself and figure out how you can avoid hurting him in the future.
Don’t Get Upset
A Leo man ignoring you isn’t always about you. He might be going through something. He doesn’t always reach out to others when that happens.
Regardless of the reason behind his silent treatment, try not to get upset.
If you send him an angry text asking why he’s ignoring you and he’s not doing it on purpose, you’ll just make him feel bad. If he was already having a hard time or if he’s dealing with something personal, you might upset him.
There’s also no use in making yourself upset over a few ignored texts.
If he’s ignoring you because he’s mad at you, he should just tell you that instead of giving you the silent treatment. If he’s just busy, you’ll have been upset over nothing.
If you are upset, do things to calm yourself down and take your mind off of things. He’ll start talking to you again when he wants to. Don’t sit around moping about him giving you the silent treatment.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in.
Don’t Over-Text
If a Leo man is not texting back, don’t keep sending him messages demanding that he respond to you.
He won’t care if you send memes or silly messages throughout the day. He does the same thing and doesn’t expect a response. If he’s upset about something, that might even cheer him up.
If you keep bombarding him with requests to hang out or personal problems while he’s giving you the silent treatment, though, that won’t get him to come back.
Sometimes when a Leo man has stopped texting, it’s not actually because he’s ignoring you. He might just be busy. If you send him angry texts because he’s not been replying, that will just annoy him.
If he’s not responding to you after a few attempts, just drop it. Go talk to somebody else if you need somebody to talk to. Go ask somebody else to hang out with you if you want to socialize.
Use Humor
A Leo man might give you the silent treatment if all you ever do is vent to him or if you only ever have serious conversations.
If you think this might be the case, try to lighten things up. Send him a joke or text him with a funny story.
A funny text might also help if he’s self-isolating because he’s upset. It will take his mind off of things, even if it’s just for a moment.
Even if he doesn’t respond to you right away, he’ll appreciate the joke.
If you two fought, a little bit of humor might calm down the situation. Your Leo man might be avoiding you because he doesn’t want to get into another fight.
If you start joking around with him, that will show him that you’re calm and that it’s safe to talk to you.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you.
Don’t Be Needy
How does a Leo man test you? One of the ways he does so is by giving you the silent treatment. He’s testing your independence when he does this.
If he’s testing you or playing around, don’t respond by being needy. If you do that, you’ll have “failed” his test.
Texting him constantly when he’s not responding will make him think that you’re too needy. If he hears that you’re asking all his friends about him, he might think you’re being too clingy or that you’re invading his personal space.
Try to respect his boundaries and give him space if that’s what he needs. Accept the fact that he won’t pay attention to you 24/7.
Leave Communication Open
If a Leo man has gone silent and you aren’t sure why it’s best to make sure he knows that you’re open to communication when he’s ready.
You can send a message saying you haven’t heard from him in a while and you hope he’s doing well. Don’t be aggressive or accusatory. Just let him know that you’re there if he wants to talk again.
This will make him feel better if he’s just going through something and he needs some alone time. He’ll be grateful that you reached out and that you’re not mad at him for ignoring you.
If you’re mature and keep communication open, this will show him that he needs to change his tactics if he’s giving you the silent treatment on purpose. It might make him see that he needs to talk to you.
If he’s done with you for good, you’ll be able to say that you tried! If you’ve kept communication open, don’t feel bad when he’s giving you the silent treatment.
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