
10 Secrets to Making a Pisces Man Miss You (A Lot)

Updated February 10, 2025

To make a Pisces man miss you, you must understand his subconscious desires. Men born under this sign are emotional.

They act on instinct, not logic. You can make Pisces miss you by hijacking his feelings.

You can keep a Pisces man on the edge of his seat waiting for your text if you know how to captivate him. Pisces men are impressionable in love.

Your Pisces love interest is sentimental. Once you get under his skin, he becomes obsessed with you. But if he’s distant, you can still make him miss you.

Through specific tactics, you can appeal to his emotional and compassionate nature. A Pisces man will miss you if you trigger his chase instinct; it’s easy to do.

1. Act Subdued

A Pisces man notices when you suddenly become sullen. Reign in your energy and a Pisces man will miss you. If you pursue him, he becomes used to you putting in all the effort in the relationship.

When you switch gears and act subdued, a Pisces man notices. He tries to get you to come out of your shell. Pisces men love amiable, cheerful women. He starts to wonder if something is wrong if you act subdued.

Rather than being turned off by a change in your mood, a Pisces man takes a greater interest in you. He tries to find ways to cheer you up. He misses you when you retreat into a subdued mood.

He specifically misses your laugh and playfulness. He tries to make you feel better. A Pisces man tries to restore your mood and behavior so that you act like your usual self.

What turns a Pisces man off is when a woman is always emotionally subdued and detached. Don’t overuse this strategy. Only act subdued when you want to make him miss you. When he is attentive, be responsive.

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2. Don’t Text Immediately

One of the easiest ways to get a Pisces man to miss you is to slow down your texting. Don’t return his texts or calls right away. Make him wait five minutes to a half hour. Vary the timeframes.

A Pisces man obsesses over you when he has to wait for your text. He has a powerful imagination and will wonder if he did something wrong. He also fantasizes about you when you don’t respond.

You can make a Pisces man miss you when you keep him waiting. Every second feels like hours to him. Pisces men are so emotional that they become sad when waiting to hear from a woman they love.

What happens when you ignore a Pisces man? He misses you instantly, though he may not act on it immediately. Eventually, he will text you, but you have to avoid reacting first.

If you want to know how to make a Pisces man fall in love with you over text, the best thing you can do is pace yourself. Don’t get into lengthy text conversations with him. Make him miss you.

3. Keep Him Guessing

A Pisces man will miss you if he doesn’t have any stability in the relationship. Keep him guessing. Your Pisces love interest feels secure when you have solid routines and schedules.

In time, his security turns into complacency. He takes a lazy approach to the relationship. The best way to get a Pisces man to miss you when he starts to pull away is to keep him on his toes.

Make a Pisces man guess about your intentions. Don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing what’s on your mind. Change your plans, and send mixed signals.

When a Pisces man is left guessing about your feelings for him, he misses you. He wants reassurance that you’re in love with him. The relationship becoming unstable makes him crave your attention.

How does a Pisces man test you? He often goes into a crisis and watches your reaction. But if you are unreliable, he can’t use this tactic. Instead, he misses you and fantasizes about the way things used to be.

If you’re wondering how to make a Pisces man addicted to you, act interested in him but then seem out of reach. Keep him guessing about the relationship. Be inconsistent at first.

Use these secrets to make your Pisces man love you (they work like magic)

4. Don’t Reveal Too Much

Another way to make a Pisces man miss you is to keep aspects of your life private. The more you share with a Pisces man, the closer he feels. He misses you if you are distant because you’re discrete.

WIthhold unimportant information. Save stories about how your day went until you are with him. Don’t over-disclose when you text with a Pisces man. Keeping secrets instills distance, and this makes him miss you.

You don’t have to put up walls to keep him out. All you have to do is save some stories and information for a later time. Pace yourself in a relationship with a Pisces man, and he is more likely to miss you.

He keeps coming back for more when you don’t give him too much information too soon. A Pisces man can be smothering. Resist the urge to go along with this. Make him miss you by using discretion.

5. Be Moody

Another way to shake a Pisces man’s foundation and make him miss you is to withdraw emotionally. You can be with a Pisces man physically, but if you are moody and inattentive, he misses you.

A Pisces man also misses you when you are in a low mood. He’ll miss your energy level and the image he has of you in a more engaged state of mind.

When you aren’t acting in ways that make him feel comfortable, he misses you, which is to say he misses the part of you he most enjoys. Pisces men are attracted to emotional wounds.

Yet they also try to save women they see as emotionally wounded or distant. Thus, he may miss you and become entangled trying to heal or save you from your mood swings.

When a Pisces man misses you, it means he loves you. He will weather whatever emotional storms you go through because he doesn’t want to lose you.

Is your Pisces man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

6. Show Affection

A different tactic to make a Pisces man miss you is to be the perfect partner when you’re with him. Pisces men are affectionate. If you are affectionate, he misses you when you’re not with him.

Give a Pisces man the love and affection he wants when he’s with you. When you are not with him, he will pine for you endlessly. A Pisces man who breaks up with you misses you if you were affectionate.

One of the positive ways to get a Pisces man to miss you is to give him an abundance of all the things he likes. Make him savor every moment he is with you, and naturally longs for you when you’re gone.

If you’re wondering how to make a Pisces man kiss you, one tactic you can use is to be affectionate. It won’t take him long to kiss and cuddle if you initiate by holding his hand or hugging him.

Being affectionate is how to tell a Pisces man you love him. He needs to see actions, not just hear words. Show him you care by remaining affectionate, and he’ll miss you.

7. Give Him (Some) Space

Pisces men are clingy. One of the challenges to making a Pisces man miss you is that he doesn’t let you go at first. A Pisces man may flatter you when he insists on spending all his time with you.

Don’t let a Pisces man cling to you, even when he wants to. Keep some boundaries so he doesn’t take his time with you for granted. When you give a Pisces man some space, he misses you.

You can help a Pisces man find a balance between being intimate and independent if you keep some distance in the relationship. You don’t have to work to make him miss you if you simply give him space.

A tiny trick to snatch your Pisces man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

8. Make Him Text First

Avoid reaching out to a Pisces man, no matter how tempted you are. A Pisces man will text you when he misses you. You won’t have to wait long for him to come around.

To make a Pisces man miss you after a breakup, let him feel what life is like without you. Don’t rush to try to restore your connection. Be patient while he summons the courage to reach out.

Let him fantasize about you for some time. Pisces men are introverted. They have to sit with their feelings before deciding what to do next. He won’t wait long to text you when he realizes how much he misses you.

Leaving a Pisces man alone is one of the best ways to get him to miss you. He spends his time alone daydreaming about you and wishing he was with you. Make him miss you by being less responsive.

9. Don’t Follow Up

Pisces men can be careless. You may feel like you always have to follow up with him or look after him to ensure he is taking care of himself. Instead of going to extremes to take care of him, step back.

Don’t follow up with a Pisces man. Remind him of how much you do for him by stopping. He will see how much he relies on you when you slow down. Doing this makes him miss you.

When a Pisces man is left to his own devices, he feels vulnerable and anxious. He misses you because he needs the support and validation you give him. By not following up with him, he realizes how much he needs you.

This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.

10. Withdraw Emotionally

Pisces men are intuitive and empathic. They feel when you pull away emotionally. A Pisces man feels it if you are too busy with your issues or become indifferent to him.

He misses you when he feels you pull away emotionally. Only do this if you are not in a hurry to get him back. His first reaction will be to retreat into his depressed mood.

After he sees you aren’t coming to rescue him, he will start to pursue you again. This is a powerful tactic that should not be used carelessly. Pisces men crave emotional connection.

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