If you’re looking for signs a Gemini man cares about you, they are thankfully often fairly obvious.
When a Gemini man cares about somebody, he’s usually not able to hide it, even if he wants to. His emotions are pretty clear.
When a Gemini man cares about you, he’ll be entirely comfortable around you. He’ll trust you with things he doesn’t trust others with.
He’ll want to be around you all the time. He’ll talk to you more than he talks to other people.
Gemini men show they care for somebody by being warm and affectionate as well. He’ll make sure you feel loved and cherished.
He will be there for you emotionally. He’ll be generous and giving. You usually won’t have to wonder how he feels because it will be very apparent.
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1. Comfortable Around You
A Gemini man who is secretly in love with you might show that he cares about being entirely comfortable in your presence.
Gemini men are social people so they are usually comfortable around people in general. This doesn’t mean that he’s completely comfortable being himself around everyone, though.
When he is comfortable around you, you’ll see a side of him that nobody else sees.
He’ll share things with you that he doesn’t share with anybody else. He’ll feel like he can turn off the charm and just relax around you.
He’ll feel like he can truly be himself. When he cares about you, he’ll want to be himself around you. He wants you to know who he truly is behind any masks he might put up in public.
If he’s comfortable just sitting in silence with you and relaxing, that’s how you know he cares. Silence is usually uncomfortable for him. If he can comfortably be quiet and just exist with you, he cares.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
2. He’s Warm
Gemini men are often charming but when a Gemini man likes you, he’ll be warmer and more physically affectionate with you than he is with other people.
This will be more noticeable with a Gemini man who isn’t as physically affectionate. If he’s constantly hugging you when he sees you and he doesn’t do that with other people, it’s because he cares about you.
If he does always greet people with hugs, though, he might do other things to show that he cares. He might greet you with a kiss instead, for example.
He will also be more emotionally warm. When he smiles at you, it will be a real smile instead of a smirk or one of his smiles that are meant to charm.
It will feel good to be around him when he cares about you. He’ll make you feel safe, comfortable, and cared for.
Many people like being around Gemini men but they don’t necessarily feel that sense of comfort unless he cares about them.
3. He’s Giving
Generosity is one of the signs a Gemini man is serious about you.
Gemini men in relationships are very giving partners. When he loves you, he wants to make sure that you’re happy and comfortable with him.
Gemini men aren’t always giving to everyone around them. It’s not that he doesn’t care about people, it’s that he doesn’t always think to lend a helping hand to a stranger or acquaintance.
He’ll be the first one to offer to help you move when he cares about you. If you’re sick, he’ll come to help you out by bringing food or doing some laundry for you.
He’ll bring you little gifts to show he cares as well. These might be small but they will often be meaningful.
When he cares about you, he’ll pay attention to your preferences. He’ll know the best things to give you to make you happy.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in.
4. Focuses On You
When a Gemini man really cares about you, he’ll focus on you more than he does on anyone else.
Gemini men are easily distracted. They are often having a million conversations at once. They rarely have any downtime!
If he’s at a party and spends the whole night chatting with you without distraction, that’s a sign he likes you.
You’ll also be able to tell he cares because he’ll give you the floor when you’re talking. He won’t interrupt (as much) or chime in with stories of his own. He’ll just listen to you.
One of the signs a Gemini man likes you through text is that he’ll wait for you to finish telling a story before he starts texting about something else.
5. Interested in Your Life
When a Gemini cares about you, he’ll want to know everything he can about you and your life. He’ll be interested in you as a person.
He won’t just be interested in gossip or juicy details about your life. He’ll want to know everything, even the most mundane details.
He’ll gladly look at pictures of your sister’s new baby or listen to you rant about a fight you had with your parents.
He’ll take interest in your hobbies as well. He won’t mind at all if you start rambling about something you care about.
He’ll pay attention when you talk about a project you’re working on. He’ll look through every single piece of your artwork you show him.
He will be interested in you as a person. He’ll want to know everything about you, even the “bad” things you don’t necessarily want him to know.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man.
6. He’s Open
Gemini men love to talk but they don’t always like to divulge their feelings to those around them. When a Gemini man trusts you and cares about you, he’ll be willing to talk about how he feels with you.
You might notice that while a Gemini man talks a lot, the things he talks about with most people are often superficial.
He’ll talk at length about a show he likes, for example, but refrain from bringing up any personal details about himself.
If he starts to share deeply personal things with you or tells you secrets he doesn’t tell anyone else, that’s a sign a Gemini man is falling in love with you.
Gemini men aren’t exactly open books even if they seem like it sometimes. They don’t open up to just anybody. There are topics they don’t like to talk about.
If he talks about these topics with you, he cares about you. He’s trying to show you the real him. He’s allowing you to see a side of him few other people get to see.
7. He’s There for You
Even if a Gemini man is hiding his feelings for you, he’ll still be there for you if he cares about you.
Gemini men aren’t always the best when it comes to dealing with emotions. They are also easily distracted and might avoid doing things that aren’t “fun”.
If he’s there for you when you’re upset and need a shoulder to cry on, that’s a sign he cares about you.
When he cares, he’ll try to offer you comfort. He’ll try to help you out and make you feel better. He’ll just listen to you if that’s what you need.
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8. Treats You Differently
One of the signs a Gemini man secretly likes you is that he’ll treat you differently than he treats other women.
He might flirt with you the same as he flirts with everyone else but he’ll also have more intense conversations with you. He’ll have intellectual discussions or even personal ones.
He’ll also spend more time with you than he does with other people. He’ll be more willing to go hang out with you one-on-one, instead of just spending time with you in group settings.
9. He’s Thoughtful
When a Gemini man cares about you, he’ll do what he can to show you that he cares. He’ll be thoughtful and considerate.
He’ll notice things about you that other people might not. If you mention liking a certain sweet, he’ll surprise you with it out of the blue the next time he sees you.
If he notices that you’re stressed out, he’ll run some errands for you or do chores to take some of the load off your shoulders.
He’ll be more observant of you than he is of other people. He’ll act on those observations too.
He’ll notice what makes you happy and what makes you sad. He’ll try to do more of the things you like and he’ll do what he can to avoid the things you don’t.
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10. Wants You Around Often
A sign a Gemini man likes you more than a friend is that he’ll want you around far more than he does his other friends.
Gemini men like to mix things up. They are social creatures and they often have a wide circle of friends.
If he is spending time with you regularly, that’s a sign that he cares. He likes having you around.
If he reaches out often to make plans with you, that’s a sign he cares about you.
He’s fine with not seeing some of his friends for weeks at a time. He might have some friends he only runs into at parties and that is okay with him. If he goes out of his way to see you, though, he really likes you.
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