
Zodiac Signs • Page 15

Easy Guide To Elicit a Text Response From a Pisces Man

If your Pisces man enjoys texting with you, he will respond to you. Building a strong connection and bonding with him will ensure that he loves talking to you! Be kind and empathetic toward your Pisces man. Compliment him often and ask questions about how he’s doing. Focus on him and make him feel comfortable, […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Gemini Man

When you play with a Gemini man’s mind, be subtle, and witty. He doesn’t like overt mind games. If he thinks you are cheating on him or betraying him, he will shut down. Gemini men can be easygoing but don’t like being played. Give him a chance to save face when playing mind games with […]

Will Ignoring a Cancer Man Make Him Chase You?

Many Cancer men dislike it when women play hard to get. They don’t have time for games! A Cancer man can play them, but he usually doesn’t want to. Cancer men are often insecure. A Cancer man might think you’re ignoring him because you don’t like him. He won’t necessarily think you’re trying to get […]

Will a Capricorn Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Apologies can make Capricorn men uncomfortable. This isn’t because of their pride or because they can’t admit to being wrong. It’s because they don’t like big emotional displays. A Capricorn man might seem detached while apologizing. He may keep all feelings out of it and might not even acknowledge your feelings. His apology will be […]

10 Obvious Signs Aries Man is Not Interested (in You)

An Aries man won’t usually pretend to like someone when he doesn’t. If someone he isn’t interested in tries to pursue him, he’ll let them know he’s not interested most of the time. If an Aries man can’t be direct for some reason, it will still be obvious that he doesn’t like somebody. He won’t […]

Guide For When a Taurus Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Try to be patient if a Taurus man gives you the silent treatment. You can reach out to ask if something is wrong or offer reassurance. If he’s still quiet, though, just give him space. Focus on yourself if a Taurus man ignores you for a long time. Have fun with your friends. He can […]

How Will a Scorpio Man Give You An Apology? (Explained)

Do Scorpio men say sorry? Many will apologize to someone, but only under the right conditions. A Scorpio man might try to shift blame or ignore a problem instead of apologizing, especially if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. When Scorpio men do apologize, it’s not always a verbal apology. A Scorpio man might […]

What to Expect From a Sagittarius Man After He Breaks Up

Sagittarius men are distant in love. After you break up with a Sagittarius man, he doesn’t waste time pining for you. He moves on right away. You may question if he cared about you when you see how he reacts to the relationship ending. Sagittarius men aren’t sentimental. Their style of handling a breakup seems […]

Will a Libra Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Some zodiac signs are too proud to admit it when they do something wrong, and others are too insensitive to realize it when they’ve hurt somebody. So, can you count on your Libra guy to tell you he’s sorry after hurting your feelings, or will he be too proud or insensitive to apologize? Once you […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With an Aries Man

It’s not always a good idea to play games with an Aries man. Some Aries men can be angry and violent. You don’t want to get on his bad side. The best way to play with him is to set up a competition between the two of you or between him and other men in […]