Hurting a Leo man is easier than many people think. If you’re not careful, you might inadvertently do something to hurt your Leo man’s feelings.
He might seem confident. His ego often really is that big. He does have feelings though and he does get insecure.
If a Leo man cares about you, things that wouldn’t hurt his feelings will deeply wound him if you do them. If other people lie to him or insult him, he’ll brush it off. If you do, he’s going to get upset.
If you are trying to purposely manipulate him or play with his emotions, he’ll be deeply hurt. Sometimes, games are fun, but he doesn’t like it when you play games with his feelings.
When he is committed to you, doing things like flirting with others or ignoring him for other men will also hurt his feelings.
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1. Lie to Him
Lying to him will make a Leo man angry. If he trusts you, it is also likely to hurt him deeply.
If you are friends with a Leo man or in a serious relationship with him, he’s going to trust you to always tell him the truth.
Breaking that trust is going to feel like a deep betrayal.
He’s not going to be upset over a white lie, even if he’d prefer that you just tell him the truth. He understands that sometimes you might leave something out to avoid hurting his feelings.
He’ll be upset if you lie to him about where you are or who you’re with.
If you say you’re going out with a couple of friends but leave out the fact that you’re hanging out with an ex, he’ll be hurt. He will also be suspicious.
If he can’t trust you to tell the truth, that is likely to ruin your relationship. If you don’t want to hurt him, just be honest with him.
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2. Don’t Be Loyal
Breaking up with Leo man isn’t always going to upset him. Being unfaithful will.
When a Leo man is in a serious relationship, he expects loyalty and devotion from his partner. If you betray him, he’s going to be extremely hurt.
If his partner cheats on him, a Leo man will take that as a blow to his pride. He may feel like he’s not enough. He may wonder why his partner wasn’t satisfied with him.
If he trusts you to back him up on something but you take someone else’s side, he’ll be hurt by that as well.
When he needs you to be there for him, he’ll be deeply hurt if you blow him off.
He’ll feel like you aren’t devoted to your relationship if you go out with your friends instead of being there for him after a death in the family.
3. Insult Him
If you want to know how to manipulate a Leo man, using insults is going to do that.
A Leo man’s ego is huge but it’s also fragile. If he cares about you, your opinion of him is going to matter more than he’s willing to admit. He’ll feel deeply hurt if you are constantly criticizing him.
It will hurt him if you insult something he’s insecure about. He’ll be hurt not just by the insult itself but the fact that you would purposely use his insecurity against him.
When a Leo man is in a long-term relationship, his partner will likely know him inside and out. They will know exactly what to say to push his buttons.
He might not be hurt by a stranger insulting him but he’ll be hurt when the insult comes from a friend or partner. He expects those people to care about him and he’ll be hurt when they do things that make him feel like they don’t care.
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4. Be Unappreciative
Leo men are often very generous with their loved ones.
If you’re dating a Leo man, he probably gives you a lot of gifts, takes you out on nice dates, and is very physically affectionate with you. Even if you’re just friends, he’s still going to be generous.
He gives people things because he cares about them. He’s not necessarily looking for gratitude but he will be hurt if you never show him that you appreciate the things he does for you.
If he takes you out on a date and all you do is complain the whole time about the restaurant, he’ll feel hurt.
If he gives you earrings and you never wear them, he’ll feel hurt by that as well. He likely thought you would like them or he wouldn’t have given them to you in the first place.
5. Ignore Him
Ignoring a Leo man is one of the worst things you can do to him, especially if he thinks you care about him.
A Leo man’s personality is an attention-seeking one. He likes to be surrounded by people. He likes all eyes to be on him.
If he loves you, he is of course going to want your attention! If you completely ignore him, he’ll feel hurt.
He understands that sometimes you’re busy. He knows that you have friends you’ll want to hang out with, the same way he’ll go out with his friends instead of you sometimes.
He does expect a certain level of attention from his partner, though. If you are constantly ignoring his text messages or blowing him off when he wants to spend time with you, he’ll feel hurt.
It will be especially upsetting to him if he sees that you’re hanging out with other people. He’ll wonder if he did something wrong or if you’re no longer in love with him.
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6. Don’t Respect Him
Leo men need relationships that are based on mutual respect. He won’t get into a relationship with somebody if he feels like they don’t respect him.
If he’s in a relationship with you, he likely feels respected by you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bother.
When you do anything that makes him feel like you don’t respect him, he’ll be hurt.
He will feel disrespected if you’re always putting down his ideas or opinions. If you refuse to hear his point of view about something, that will hurt him as well.
7. Play with His Emotions
Making a Leo man jealous on purpose is one of the easiest ways to play with his emotions.
Leo men in relationships are more emotionally open than they are with anyone else. If he’s shared his inner feelings with you and you brush them aside, that is going to hurt him.
A Leo man doesn’t like to show his emotional side to people. If he’s revealed personal information or been vulnerable with somebody, he’ll feel betrayed if they use that vulnerability against him.
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8. Silent Treatment
Your silent treatment won’t always make a Leo man feel guilty for hurting you. It might hurt his feelings if he doesn’t know why you’re ignoring him, though.
As mentioned, Leo men love attention. He can get that attention anywhere but if he loves you, he wants attention from you more than anyone else.
He hates feeling like people aren’t listening to him. If he’s talking to you and you don’t respond or acknowledge what he’s said, he’s going to be upset by that.
If you constantly ignore texts and phone calls, he’ll start to wonder if he did something wrong. If you retreat to another room as soon as he gets home, he’ll feel lonely and unloved.
9. Have High Expectations
Having high expectations isn’t bad by itself. Leo men often have high expectations. If you have unreasonable expectations, though, you’re going to set your Leo man up for failure.
Your Leo man will want to meet the expectations you have for him. He’s competitive. He also wants to please you.
When he fails to meet those expectations, he’ll feel bad without you having to say anything. It will make him try harder because he wants to feel successful.
If you are constantly letting him know that he’s not living up to those expectations, that is how to hurt a Leo man.
When he does something wrong and you point it out, that will make him feel bad. If you are always criticizing him and judging him, he’ll be hurt by that.
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10. Flirt with Others
Some Leo men are hypocrites when it comes to flirting. They think it’s fun and they might flirt with other people even if they are in a relationship.
He won’t like it if his partner flirts with other people, though. Especially not in front of him.
If he sees you flirting with another man, he’s going to feel jealous. He’ll feel disrespected if you are doing it when you know he’s around too.
When his partner flirts with other people, he might feel like he’s not good enough. He might feel like something about him is inadequate. It will be a huge blow to his ego.
This is only true if he’s in an exclusive, committed relationship. When he’s dating around, he might think it’s fun to have a little bit of competition for a woman’s attention.
He won’t think it’s fun when his long-term partner is hitting on other men, though. He’ll be very hurt.
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