
March Aries vs April Aries

Updated September 17, 2024

March Aries and April Aries are both fiery and stubborn. They can have different traits based on their month of birth, though.

March Aries usually have more stereotypical Aries traits. April Aries can have characteristics related to the other two fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius.

Aries is divided into three subsections. The first is the “Aries” decan, the second is the “Leo” decan, and the third is the “Sagittarius” decan. All April Aries people are in the second or third decans.

March Aries people are all ruled by Mars, and only Mars, so they feel the total influence of that planet. April Aries people also have a subruler in addition to Mars, either the sun or Jupiter.

Both March and April Aries people are, of course, still Aries! They both can have any of the traits typically associated with Aries. Some just have additional characteristics.

Aggressive vs Fearless

All Aries are assertive people. They are known for being stubborn and direct. March Aries tend to seem more aggressive, while April Aries is more fearless.

March Aries will get what they want by any means necessary. They are not afraid of taking what they need.

Many March Aries people come off as highly aggressive rather than just assertive. Some people might even find a March Aries intimidating because of this aggression.

A March Aries might not always see themselves as being aggressive. In their minds, they are just being direct. They are standing up for themselves and their needs.

April Aries tend to be more fearless. They aren’t afraid of trying new things. They love to go out and experience the world.

April Aries will stand up for themselves without fear, but they won’t always seem aggressive when doing so. They are capable of getting their needs met without yelling or intimidating others.

March Aries are capable of working on their aggressive nature. They can learn how to become more assertive and less intimidating. An April Aries won’t always need to work on their aggression, though, because they aren’t aggressive.

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Impulsive vs Lucky Risk-Takers

Risk-taking is part of the Aries personality. This is true for both March Aries and April Aries.

March Aries are very impulsive people. Aries is an action-oriented sign, and they tend to take this to the extreme!

Many March Aries get in trouble because they rarely think before acting. They don’t always see the virtue of planning before doing something.

A March Aries might say insensitive things because they just aren’t thinking. They may take risks that end poorly because they didn’t consider how risky their actions would be.

Risk-taking is part of the April Aries personality but differently than it is for March Aries. April Aries tend to be luckier in their risk-taking.

An April Aries might consider things a little more before acting. They know that sometimes, waiting will have better results.

The April Aries that Jupiter influences are especially lucky. They might not always think before they do something, but they often don’t need to. Things tend to turn out in their favor more often than not.

The social nature of an April Aries also means that they tend to have more people around to help them out if a risk does go poorly. Their luck sometimes comes from the help they get after they make a mistake.

Competitive vs Confident

The March Aries personality is the most like how you would imagine a typical Aries. This means that March Aries tend to be highly competitive.

Many March Aries are competitive to a fault. They make everything a competition even when it doesn’t need to be.

A March Aries might compete for their partner’s affections when they don’t need to. They may see other people in their partner’s life as being in the way when that isn’t the case.

The competitive nature of a March Aries can cause problems if they let it get out of control. April Aries can also be competitive, but they don’t usually go too far with it.

April Aries are confident in their abilities. They know they have what it takes to win any competition they find themselves in. They don’t see the point in making everything a competition, though.

An April Aries won’t compete for their partner’s affection because they are confident that their partner loves them and only them.

Most April Aries are so confident in themselves that they don’t feel the need to compete all the time. They are comfortable just doing their own thing and don’t worry about what others are doing.

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Leadership vs Attention-Seeking

One Aries trait that March Aries tend to excel at is leadership. March Aries are natural-born leaders and easily fall into leadership roles.

March Aries people know how to take charge. They are comfortable controlling a situation and will rise to the occasion if they need to take over a project.

A March Aries doesn’t lead because they want attention. They lead because it comes naturally to them. They make great leaders.

April Aries can also make great leaders. They have an attention-seeking streak, though.

You might see an April Aries engaging in attention-seeking behavior similar to a Leo. April Aries loves to be in the spotlight. They might take control of a project because they want all eyes to be on them.

Many April Aries are good at getting the attention they want. They tend to be more charismatic than a March Aries, even if March Aries is usually the better leader.

Quick Tempered vs High Energy

One Aries characteristic is being action-oriented. Aries wants to act first and think later!

That action-oriented trait can give March Aries people a quick temper. Being quick to anger is a common March Aries characteristic.

A March Aries won’t always think before lashing out in anger. These are the Aries you might see shouting during an argument. They aren’t always good at controlling their tempers.

Many March Aries people have explosive personalities. If something sets them off, you’ll know about it immediately. They don’t hide their anger.

April Aries people tend to be more high-energy, rather than having quick tempers. They also want to act, but they like to release energy in more productive ways.

An April Aries may still get angry like a March Aries, but they will go for a run instead of yelling. They will channel their angry energy into something else.

You won’t always be able to tell that an April Aries is angry. They are the type of people who will go work out instead of sticking around to argue about something.

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Rude vs Sociable

The Aries communication style is often blunt. Aries tend to speak before fully thinking about what they say.

Some March Aries can come across as rude because of this. On the other hand, April Aries tend to be more friendly and sociable, so their blunt attitude isn’t always interpreted as being rude.

The aggressive, impulsive nature of a March Aries can make them appear ruder than they intend to be. They often say things without thinking and come across as disrespectful.

A March Aries might offer criticism or comments that they think are helpful. Instead, they may end up offending the person they are talking to. They don’t always carefully consider things before they say them.

Being sociable is one April Aries characteristic that isn’t usually considered a typical Aries trait. They have a social, charismatic nature that makes them seem less rude even when they are being blunt.

Many April Aries know how to phrase things, so they aren’t rude. They also know how to read the room and will avoid saying certain things if they won’t go over well.

Even if an April Aries does say something rude, they’re good at getting other people to laugh it off.

Pushy vs Fun-Loving

March Aries tend to be extremely pushy. They will do whatever it takes to get what they want, and sometimes, they can go a little too far.

That leadership quality can make some March Aries people bossy and controlling. They may be so caught up in getting what they want that they don’t always pay attention to the people around them.

Being impatient is one negative trait that many March Aries possess. April Aries can as well, but this impatience is especially obvious in a March Aries.

Some March Aries have difficulty stepping back and letting others take control. They would rather everyone fall in line and do things exactly the way they want them to be done.

On the other hand, April Aries tends to have a more fun-loving personality. They can also be impatient, but their desire to socialize and have a good time can keep any aggressive or controlling behavior in check.

Many April Aries want to have fun! They might have the attention-seeking nature of a Leo or the adventurous spirit of a Sagittarius, depending on when in April they were born.

An April Aries’ quest to have fun can make them pushy like a March Aries. Their way of being pushy is far less aggressive than a March Aries, though.

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