
Zodiac Signs • Page 16

What To Wear To Attract a Pisces Man? (Dress For Sign)

One way to dress for Pisces is to pay attention to the color and pattern of your clothing. Floral prints are often a hit with him. Many Pisces men also like the color blue and all the various shades of that. Flowing, casual styles are also a hit with Pisces men. You might notice that […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius men are direct. They prefer being with people who don’t play mind games with them. It’s relatively easy to mess with a Sagittarius man’s head if you know what to do. Many Sagittarius men hate being wrong, for example. If you constantly tell a Sagittarius man he’s wrong, that will mess with his head, […]

Is Leo Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Leo men are known for their huge egos. They like to be the center of attention. If your eyes are straying or you’re flirting with other men, he’s going to become extremely jealous. It’s easy to make a Leo man jealous. That’s one of the best ways to play hard to get before you two […]

10 Scorpio Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

To find a star sign’s spirit animal, all you have to do is match the traits of that sign to different members of the animal kingdom. Scorpio is a mysterious, intense, and intelligent sign, so any spirit animal for Scorpio must also possess these characteristics. Once you know more about Scorpio’s typical qualities and behaviors, […]

10 Suggestions To Stop Cancer Man From Ignoring You

When your Cancer love interest stops replying to your text messages or stops reaching out, you may panic. Yet you can easily get his attention by following simple steps. A Cancer man ignoring you can leave you feeling devastated. But he’s not always giving you the cold shoulder because he’s done with you. Cancer men […]

January Aquarius vs February Aquarius

Every sign is separated into three sections (called decans). January Aquarius people are in the first section, the “Aquarius-Aquarius” decan. These people tend to have more stereotypical Aquarius traits. Aquarians born in February fall into the second and third decans of Aquarius. These are the “Aquarius-Gemini” decan and the “Aquarius-Libra” decan. These people typically have […]

Your Libra Man is Angry? Here is What You Should Do!

Libra men can be incredibly moody when they are angry. Yours might give you the silent treatment if he’s mad at you or sulk around the house if he’s angry about something else. If your Libra man is angry at you, be prepared to apologize. Don’t get mad at him back, and don’t ignore him. […]

Quick Guide To Sexually Pleasing a Virgo Man (Easily)

There are some specific things that many Virgo men like, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to get to know your individual Virgo man. Pay attention to him and find his weak spots. Virgo men like to communicate. You can talk about your fantasies with him, and he […]

10 Gemini Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

When you want to determine a sign’s spirit animal, all you have to do is compare the traits and behaviors of that sign to various members of the animal kingdom. Gemini is a multi-faceted and complicated sign, so there are many animals that match the different aspects of Gemini’s personality. Once you have a better […]

Will Ignoring a Capricorn Man Make Him Chase You?

Should you play hard to get with a Capricorn man? More often than not, the answer is a definite no. Capricorn men don’t have time to play games. He’s busy with work. He’s got goals and he’s got plans. If he thinks you’re not interested in him, he’s not going to bother chasing after you […]