A Capricorn man’s apology isn’t always the kind of apology you’re looking for. When Capricorn men apologize, they tend to be flat and unemotional.
Capricorn men will accept responsibility for their mistakes. They won’t make excuses. That doesn’t mean they’ll give you an emotional apology, though.
Apologies can make Capricorn men uncomfortable. This isn’t because of their pride or because they can’t admit to being wrong. It’s because they don’t like big emotional displays.
A Capricorn man might seem detached while apologizing. He may keep all feelings out of it and might not even acknowledge your feelings. His apology will be brief and to the point.
Capricorn men will accept responsibility for their actions. They will make amends and attempt to be better in the future. Your Capricorn man won’t make a big deal of his apology, but he will give you one.
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He’s Uncomfortable With Apologies
A Capricorn man will apologize, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it!
Capricorn men are responsible and always willing to accept responsibility for their actions. They might hate admitting when they are wrong but will do it if they need to.
Apologies are uncomfortable for a Capricorn man because they often mean that he lost control of something. If he made a mistake and accidentally upset you, that means he wasn’t entirely in control of the situation.
Accepting he made a mistake is uncomfortable for a Capricorn man. He’s not the type of person who will play the blame game or try to ignore the problem, though.
If your Capricorn man seems uncomfortable while apologizing, know that he’s trying his best. He is making an effort for you even if saying he’s sorry is hard for him.
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He Hates Emotional Displays
Even when a Capricorn man is sorry for hurting you, he might not become emotional about it, at least not on the outside.
Your Capricorn man might feel terrible for hurting you. He may have a lot of guilt over his actions. He’s not always going to tell you that, though.
Crying in front of a Capricorn man won’t make him apologize. He will likely wait until you’ve calmed down before talking to you about anything. He hates huge emotional displays from other people.
If you want an apology from your Capricorn man, make sure you’re calm. Don’t try to guilt-trip him or get too emotional in front of him. It will be easier for him to say he’s sorry if you are both in a calm, level-headed mood.
Your Capricorn man might not outwardly seem sorry or like he feels bad. Trust that he does. He’s just not good at showing it.
He’ll Seem Detached
If a Capricorn man is emotionally detached during an apology, that’s normal. He doesn’t usually get emotional during apologies.
His impersonal nature might make a Capricorn man’s apology seem insincere. This is not the case at all!
Capricorn men do not apologize unless they are sincere. If your Capricorn man thinks he has nothing to be sorry for, he won’t tell you he’s sorry.
Do not take it as a bad sign if your Capricorn man seems withdrawn or detached while apologizing. He might seem unemotional or even bored. That is just how he acts when apologizing.
Your Capricorn man wants to get to the point. He wants the apology to be over and done with, so you two can move on with your lives.
Just because he seems detached doesn’t mean that he truly is. Your Capricorn man is likely taking his apology very seriously.
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Won’t Always Acknowledge Your Feelings
When a Capricorn man apologizes to you, he might not always acknowledge your feelings. He may apologize for saying something hurtful, but he won’t always recognize that you feel hurt.
Some people might apologize by saying, “I’m sorry you’re sad,” or, “I’m sorry I made you angry.” A Capricorn man won’t typically do this.
His apology will focus on what he did, not necessarily the result of what he did. He is apologizing for the action, not the outcome.
If he insulted you, he will say he’s sorry for offending you. He knows the insult wasn’t okay, whether or not you got upset about it.
Your Capricorn man isn’t trying to be dismissive of your feelings. He just thinks it’s more important to focus on what he did when apologizing.
Flat Apologies
How do Capricorn men apologize? Many of them will give flat, unemotional apologies. An apology from a Capricorn man won’t always live up to your expectations.
Don’t expect any grand gestures or dramatic apologies from a Capricorn man. He’s not the type to make a big deal out of apologizing.
He might seem dry or monotone when apologizing. His apology might even seem robotic. This doesn’t mean it is any less sincere, though.
Your Capricorn is just trying to state the facts when he apologizes. He wants to let you know that he accepts responsibility for what he did and that he won’t do it again.
If you need an emotional display from your Capricorn man during an apology, you might need to adjust your expectations. Let it be if he says he’s sorry and doesn’t repeat the same mistake.
The nice thing about this is that a Capricorn man won’t expect much from you when you need to apologize. Just admit what you did was wrong, and he’ll get over it.
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Brief Apologies
A Capricorn man’s communication style is straightforward. He doesn’t say anything more than he needs to. His apology style is similar.
Capricorn men are direct. They don’t see a point in saying anything more than what needs to be said.
A Capricorn man’s apology will likely be short. It’s not going to be a whole production. Expect to hear maybe one or two sentences from him when he’s apologizing.
One thing that makes a Capricorn man’s apologies brief is his lack of excuses. He won’t sit there and try to explain himself.
Your Capricorn man will only apologize for the same thing once. Once he says he’s sorry, he will assume the matter is over. If you don’t forgive him, you need to communicate that.
Apologizes Via Text Message
Will a Capricorn man apologize when he’s upset you? He will. He might do so over text message instead of in person, though.
Capricorn men do this for many reasons. For some Capricorn men, a text apology is just easier. This is especially true if they think the person they’re apologizing to might get emotional.
Your Capricorn man might apologize over text if he said something rude to you before he went to work. He won’t want you sitting around all day being mad about what he did. He’ll send a quick apology to take care of the issue.
A Capricorn man might think it’s easier to apologize over a text message. If he has a hard time apologizing in person for one reason or another, a text apology will seem like the most obvious thing to do.
A text apology from a Capricorn man isn’t any less sincere than an in-person apology. Some Capricorn men prefer to apologize this way.
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Accepts Responsibility
Not all men are good at accepting responsibility for their actions. Capricorn men are, though!
It might be hard for a Capricorn man to admit to a mistake, but he will always take responsibility for what he does.
Your Capricorn man knows that, no matter what was going on, he was the one who chose to do whatever he did to upset you. He knows that he is the one who should be in control of his actions.
If he loses control or makes a mistake, he will accept responsibility. He won’t try to blame things on you.
If a Capricorn man wants you back after a breakup, he will accept responsibility for the split. He will apologize and let you know how he plans on doing things differently this time.
Won’t Make Excuses
When a Capricorn man hurts you, he won’t typically make excuses for his actions. He will own up to them and then want to move on.
You won’t hear a long list of excuses before a Capricorn man apologizes to you.
Capricorn men hate to hear excuses from other people. They aren’t going to sit there and give you a bunch of excuses. They know that excuses don’t make anything better.
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He’ll Apologize When You Do
Will a Capricorn man apologize for hurting you? He will. He’ll also apologize after an argument, but he’ll usually wait for you to apologize first.
A Capricorn man won’t play the blame game, but if he thinks you both need to apologize, he’ll often only apologize after you do. If you want an apology after a fight, apologize to your Capricorn man first.
When your Capricorn man sees that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions and accept part of the blame for the argument, he will gladly return your apology.
If you don’t think you have anything to apologize for and your Capricorn man isn’t apologizing, talk to him. Let him know what you think about what happened.
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