
Will an Aries Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Updated February 9, 2025

Don’t expect an Aries man’s apology to be long or drawn out. If an Aries man apologizes to you, it will be quick and to the point.

Aries men will sincerely apologize if they believe they need to. They won’t if they honestly believe they have nothing to be sorry for.

Aries men are very proud. Apologizing can be challenging for them because of this. It’s hard for them to admit they’re wrong! There will be times where an Aries man is sincerely sorry, though. He’ll apologize then.

If an Aries man upsets you, don’t expect an apology unless you tell him that you’re upset. Aries men aren’t mind-readers. Your Aries man won’t always assume you’re upset because of him if he notices that you’re upset.

Once your Aries man apologizes, forgive him. There is no need to dwell on anything. He’ll expect the matter to be over.

Tell Him You’re Upset

When an Aries man hurts your feelings, he won’t always realize it. Some Aries men are terrible at picking up on how other people feel.

If you want there to be any chance of getting an apology from your Aries man, you need to tell him that you’re upset. Don’t wait for him to notice.

An Aries man might assume that you’re ignoring him because you’re busy or focused on something else. He won’t immediately think you’re ignoring him because he did something wrong.

If you’re good at hiding how you feel, your Aries man definitely won’t notice anything is wrong! A water sign might be perceptive enough to see that something is off. Your Aries man won’t be.

Open communication is essential with an Aries man. He has no reason to think something is wrong if you don’t directly tell him that something is.

This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you.

Tell Him What He Did

Your Aries man doesn’t know how to read minds. He’s not going to try to either!

Even if he knows you’re upset, he might not make the connection between something he did and how you’re feeling. He may not even know he did something wrong in the first place.

Don’t just tell your Aries that you’re sad or angry. You need to tell him why. He won’t sit around trying to guess why you’re upset.

If he said something that hurt your feelings, you need to tell him exactly what the comment was. He might have said something offhand or without the intention of hurting you.

Aries men can be impulsive. He may have said something while he was irritated and then completely forgot about it once he was calm.

If he did something, you need to let him know what it was. He won’t always be able to tell that a particular action of his is the reason you’re upset.

He’s Stubborn

Aries men are very stubborn. The symbol for Aries is a ram for a reason! They are very headstrong and competitive.

An Aries man might have difficulty apologizing due to his stubborn nature. He might put up a fight if he doesn’t think that he did anything wrong.

You might need to convince your Aries man that he owes you an apology. He may not always understand right away why something he said was hurtful. If he doesn’t see what he did wrong, he won’t apologize.

If an Aries man is also upset, he’ll be extra stubborn. The best way to deal with an Aries man after a fight is to give him time to calm down. If he’s upset, it will be hard convincing him that he owes you an apology.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man.

Won’t Give Fake Apologies

Will an Aries man apologize? He will if he feels like he has a reason to. He won’t give you a fake apology if he thinks he doesn’t owe you one.

Some men will apologize to appease their partners. Even if they don’t think they need to say sorry, they will anyway to end an argument.

Aries men aren’t like that at all! If your Aries man doesn’t think he needs to apologize, he’s not going to.

An Aries man would rather wait for you to get over it than give you a fake apology. If he’s not sincerely sorry, he won’t say that he is.

Your Aries man might take a while to see that what he did was wrong. If you are honestly upset after a few days, he might start to reconsider his stance on apologizing.

He’ll Make Excuses

An Aries man might try to make excuses before ultimately apologizing. He may also do this in place of apologizing if he doesn’t think he has anything to be sorry for.

Your Aries man might tell you that he said something hurtful in response to you saying something hurtful first. He may also say that you misunderstood him.

An Aries man might try to excuse his actions by saying that he was in a bad mood. He may tell you that he wasn’t thinking, that he didn’t mean it, etc.

If he thinks he shouldn’t have to apologize, he’ll explain why. Your Aries man will let you know exactly why he thinks he doesn’t have to be sorry, even if you’re upset.

Aries men won’t always try to make excuses. If your Aries man hurt you and he knows he was in the wrong, he might go straight to apologizing instead of trying to explain himself.

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Won’t Admit He’s Wrong

Aries men have a hard time accepting when they’ve made a mistake. You might have to convince your Aries man he’s done something wrong before he gives you an apology.

Aries men, like all fire signs, have a big ego. Being wrong is a huge blow to that ego.

The best way to make an Aries man realize his mistake after hurting you is to explain to him what he did calmly. Don’t get angry at him, or else he’ll feel defensive.

You will have a better chance of getting an apology if you avoid telling your Aries man that he was wrong or made a mistake.

Even if your Aries man does apologize to you, he won’t always admit to wrongdoing. He might say, “I’m sorry,” and leave it at that.

Quick Apologies

How does an Aries man apologize? It will be quick and to the point when you get an apology from an Aries man. He won’t say anything more than he needs to.

An Aries man’s apology style is short and sweet. He won’t grovel at your feet or spend days apologizing for one slight.

Sometimes, all you’ll get is a simple, “I’m sorry.” An Aries man doesn’t always feel like he needs to say anything more than that.

He might say why he’s sorry or what he’s sorry for, but he won’t always elaborate. Your Aries man won’t always see the point in explaining why he’s sorry because you already know what he did.

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He’ll Feel Guilty

Do Aries men feel bad when they hurt someone? If your Aries man hurts you, he will likely feel incredibly guilty.

When an Aries man hurts someone he loves, he will feel terrible about it. He will feel a huge amount of guilt underneath all the stubbornness and bluster.

Sometimes this guilt will be enough to convince an Aries man to own up to his mistake. Sometimes it won’t. That all depends on the individual Aries man.

Your Aries man doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. When he says something hurtful, it’s not on purpose most of the time. He will feel bad if he accidentally says something that upsets you.

Sincere Apologies

Do Aries men apologize? They do! If your Aries man legitimately feels like he did something wrong, he will want to make it up to you. He won’t want you to be sad when he cares about you.

When an Aries man says he’s sorry, you can always trust that he truly is. He wouldn’t say he was otherwise!

Everyone has a different apology style. You might not like an Aries man’s, but at least you’ll always know he’s being honest.

You might not always get the exact apology you want from your Aries man. Just know that he is genuinely sorry, even if he’s not always good at expressing it.

Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in.

Expects Forgiveness

Do Aries men feel guilty for hurting someone? They do. They won’t feel guilty forever, though.

Once your Aries man has apologized to you, that’s the end of it for him. He will expect forgiveness from you. He’ll move on and expect you to do the same.

It will irritate your Aries man if he has already apologized for something and you bring it up again later.

If you don’t forgive your Aries man for some reason, you need to let him know right away. Don’t sit around being silently angry because he will assume everything is resolved as soon as he apologizes.

An Aries man is not the type of person who will start bringing up something you did two years ago during an argument. He will hate it if you do that to him.

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